Friday, January 14, 2011

Miso Soup, Homestyle

I am fascinated by ethnic food and if it doesn't look too complicated, I try to replicate it at home.  My miso soup has evolved over the years, through restaurant tastes and browsing cookbooks.  This has been our standard recipe for a while now, and I usually keep all the ingredients on hand.  I do use miso, tofu and scallions for other recipes as well.

1 bowl:

hunk of miso (fermented soybean paste)
pinch of bonito dashi granules (fish stock bouillion)
dried wakame seaweed

Add boiling water and mix to dissolve miso.  Wakame will rehydrate so prettily.

Add :
tofu cubes
cooked soba (buckwheat noodles)
sprinkle of chopped scallion

This is lunch for us sometimes.  It's not as quick as it might look because each bowl has to be assembled and the counter is littered with the ingredients, but we all love it.


Janelle said...

I've asked it before and I'll ask it again -- your kids eat this??!!! Astonishing.

kim said...

I love homemade soup, especially at this time of year.................I may have to try this one, it looks delicious.

florrie x

Beth said...

This looks sooooo good!

life in this 1880 farmhouse said...

Looks good but Tofu? Is that real food?

You Can Call Me Jane said...

Pssst. Come see me...


Margo said...

Janelle, they love it. We try to act unsurprised about all their food foibles and just keep making and eating the good stuff.

Farmgirl, we love tofu, but not when it's faking as meat or made into desserts. It's soybean cheese, essentially, and that's how we treat it.

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

Mmm, love miso soup, although I've never made it myself.

Your last photo is very nice! Lovely spoon, too.

Catherine said...

Gosh I never thought of making miso myself,it looks delicious
C x