Saturday, October 1, 2011

End of Sunday Dinner, Saveur Style

One of my favorite food magazines is Saveur - they're like the National Geographic of food: real people in interesting places, photographed so engagingly.  I was an adult before I realized there were articles in National Geographic too, not just photos.

This photo, a September Sunday dinner, is in that style - unposed, compelling, telling a story.

And here is the pickle tray up close.  My husband pickled some beet stems with siriacha and spices.  The flavor was fantastic, they looked pretty in the jar, but the stems themselves were tough. 

I loved the pickling brine so much that I boiled beets and put them in it for round two.  Ben requested some of the pickle brine in his cup at supper last night and we laughed and said, sure.


Beth said...

Good for you for saying SURE! :-)

BLD in MT said...

I've never read that magazine, but am quite intrigued by your description of it as the Nat Geo for food. I'll have to get my hands on a copy.