Honey Baked Lentils (from More with Less)
Oven Brown Rice
Asparagus Salad (here, from Jennifer Jo)
Roasted Rhubarb (from Simply in Season) over Vanilla Ice Cream
made roasted rhubarb while roasting asparagus for supper
made asaparagus salad (swapped in feta and rice vinegar)
boiled up the lentils
Sunday morning:
mixed up the Honey Baked Lentils and put on timed bake
assembled oven brown rice and added it to the oven
Sunday noon:
set the table with Genevieve's help
set the roasted rhubarb back in the warm oven
And then I drowsed over a magazine all afternoon - but wait! it was Country Living's section on regional pies with recipes. They have a recipe for Sugar Cream Pie that I'm eager to compare to White Branch. And an unusual lemon pie using whole lemon slices - I must make it! This is a busy week, so I'm not sure I'll be making pies, but I'll let you know when I do.
Is that whole-lemon pie credited to the Shakers? We were in love with the Shakers when we lived near the New Hampshire community during our newly wed days. I think I remember that pie from their restaurant. Was the sugar cream pie labeled "Midwestern"?
Reb, you are so smart! Yes, Shaker Lemon Pie, and yes, Hoosier Sugar Cream Pie. Is the Lemon Pie good? The recipe intrigues me.
Don't think I ever ordered it. Dunno. All that peel? Wouldn't it get kind of Lemon Pledge-y? I made pickled lemons once with whole lemons. Yick.
Oh, and by the way, I burnt to a solid, black crisp our Sunday rhubarb. I put it in the oven, made a note to myself (but didn't set the timer) and didn't give it another thought until the smoke started to billow. I'm still scrubbing the pan.
Rebecca, now I'm worried: I've always wanted to make whole pickled lemons! But your description backs me off a bit. . . .hmmmmm.
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