For now, decorations are usually just balloons.
I try to choose foods the birthday child likes (when they are older, I want them to choose just as my mother let me). For Ben, we had lasagne, asparagus, green salad, and chocolate cake with ice cream.
I cut a car out of a chocolate sheet cake. (I went here for ideas) . . .
iced it with peanut butter icing and used my terrifying but so convenient icing. . .
and ta da!
When we held the cake in front of him and asked him what it was, he said (hello, Captain Obvious), "cake." No matter, because I didn't slave over it and he LOVED it. Actually, it was a delicious cake.
Ben was totally overwhelmed by the few presents; he burst into tears when we tried to set aside the first gift he opened to move on to the others. Then he wanted Grandpa to help him open gifts.
He loaded his new paper bracelets from his sister into the tractor from "Ganny an Pappaw" (Granny and Grandpa), wearing the hat from "Mimi" (Aunt Mel).
It was a good way to celebrate Ben's birthday, but I am bursting to tell you about the lasagne recipe because it was unbelievably good and I've made it twice now so I know it's not a fluke. Tomorrow!
I love that Ben called it a Cake instead of a Car (so sweet!) and I love that you used completely fake and chemical filled icing and sprinkles instead of something perfectly homemade and nutritious. You're still a Goddess to me, but a few Mere Mortal genes thrown in don't hurt.
What a cutie! I love his answer... "cake" -- well, duh! Family birthday celebrations are the best kind to have.
Love the pictures! Love the sweet celebration.
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