My sister is the best person to shop with. She helped me try on at least 30 pairs of pants at the mall recently on a birthday shopping spree. I came home with, among other things, a pair of skinny jeans. Me. Yes. Wow.
before |
Suddenly, I realized, in contrast, that my 8-year-old Eddie Bauer bootcuts were just too big. I laid the skinny jeans on top of the bootcuts, drew some lines, snip snip, sew sew with a denim needle in the machine and there you go: skinnier jeans in 30 minutes.
after.. experimenting with cuffing . .with my $15 boat shoes from Target. |
The photos are awful, but they capture my 30 minutes of frenzy before I ran errands, so I'm leaving them as historical documentation.
Awesome! I found a tutorial a while back for making boot cuts into skinnies and bookmarked it; such a practical and easy and cheap alteration! I found my first pair of skinnies at Old Navy for $.97 cents. That's my kind of deal.
Christian, I got the idea from your sidebar link, actually! And WOW for your cheap jeans.
Your skinny jeans look great... and I love sale prices.Great!!!'
Happy birthday.
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