Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Coin Purse Because My Coins Count

Annually, our church does the My Coins Count project through MCC.  The kids collect coins from the congregation in old yogurt cups while the ushers pass the offering plates - it's noisy, joyful, and full of purpose. Together, the coins add up to thousands of dollars that MCC sends to peace programs and relief projects around the world. 

That these little coins can add up to make big sums and impact lives is energizing to me and fits with one of my life philosophies:  small things have value and make a difference, too! 

This year, instead of taking my coins to church in an old ziploc baggie (hello, ugly), I got out my scraps and a chunky zipper and made a coin purse.  The red scrap is from Ruth, the lining is left from this dress, and the itsy-bitsy scraps at the ends of the zipper are from this skirt. Very satisfying. 

Anytime I pay with cash, I deliberately squirrel away the change in my coin purse and carry it to church on Sunday.  It strikes me now that this is my Lenten discipline and focus this year!  The beauty and purpose of small things. . .

excerpts from the song My Coins Count by Les Gustafson-Zook

My coins count, my coins count.
Sitting in my pocket when they could be doing good.
My coins count, my coins count.
We can make a difference in the world.

The gifts we are given we are given to be shared
all around the world.
Doesn't matter if they're big or small when used with care
We can make a difference in the world

My coins count, my coins count. . .


Lisa said...

That's a perfect idea - I love the big zipper! May as well have them in a beautiful bag.

Nancy In Boise said...

Great idea! Our church did a box for coins during the christmas season, for the unknown visitor, we kept on our dining table

Christy K. said...

This is all so beautiful.

e said...

What a charming little coin purse! And, such a good giving practice.

BLD in MT said...

What a awesome project--and the message behind it! Yes! And now your coins are encased in a loving homemade pouch until they go off and find their destiny! Even better.