Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Swedish Summer Pillow

We are fine. We are coping.  My silence on the blog is just due to underlying pandemic stress sapping my energy (amen?).

Due to some people in this house whacking each other with the living room throw pillows, I needed to replace a pillow cover.  I have a pillow cover for hot weather and one for cold weather.  That is about as seasonal as my decorating gets! They ruined the hot weather cover.

I made a pillow cover of reds and greens, with the colors lightening up into the middle of the pillow.  Normally I love the surprise of patchwork, but this time, the results lacked the gravitas I wanted in the living room.  It looked like a little girl's bedroom to me, and I could not unsee it.

I kept turning this problem over in my mind at odd moments, poking through my fabric stash at other odd moments, and then I came up this red striped fabric and doily. No patchwork this time!

Ah, now this fits my vision of a summer I want to have: a little cottage by a lake, with tall trees and wildflowers and blue pitchers of milk, whitewashed walls in the sunshine, and a rocker creaking on the porch. Probably I would be alone. I love my people dearly and am very grateful for the community support we give and get. . . .but oh, my, I am a little fried from my people home all the time.


Nancy In Boise said...

Great idea with the pillow! My kids are all grown up but I need a break from my hubby once in a while!

Leisha said...

Yes it’s just a very unsettling time. I as always love your blog and seeing what you make ! I loved the patchwork cushion cover you made 💚

sillygirl said...

Fried at times aptly describes it.

Becky said...

I need to make some new pillow covers, although the dog will have them claimed as hers in no time!
Definitely fried here. I sat in the rain one evening, drinking rose with a girlfriend, because that was the only way to not be around my family. Highly recommend.

Margo said...

Thanks for the patchwork love!

Margo said...

Ah, sounds lovely. I want to get better at planning ahead to make friend meetups happen ;)

Lisa said...

What is it about red to lift the spirits? I like it! Does it tie on the side, like the patchwork one? I have a definite thing about pillow covers, and about the side-tying ones in particular. In fact I was just yesterday looking at pictures, wondering if I had suitable fabric around so I can make one. I think I should do it.

e said...

Love the use of the doily! I have several elderly pieces of lace that I don't know what to do with. Perhaps something along these lines... Definitely on a cover that doesn't get hard use. I've also got a bunch of old embroidery that I need to figure out a use for. I was thinking that maybe some of it could go on a set of kitchen curtains. Still pondering!
Love your creative reuse!

FIVER Environment Group Co.Ltd said...

I have been looking around for this kind of information. Will you post some more in future? I’ll be grateful if you will.

UV Lamp Manufacturer

Margo said...

This cover has an overlapping back because it's the fastest way I know. I had never made a side-tied one before and want to mess with it again.

Margo said...

Thank you! Love your ideas for using your special pieces. It's so fun to solve those creative "problems"

Katie said...

Glad you're okay! It's nice to hear from you again. Nice work on the pillow covers!

Jennifer Hoots said...

I dream of a little place in the country to get away, too. Your succulent window garden is lovely. I enjoy your blog and always look forward to your next post.

Margo said...

Thank you!

Margo said...

It's a great dream, isn't it? And thanks for the succulent love. I'm so impatient for the string of pearls in the kitty pot to grow faster.

BLD in MT said...

You have a wonderful family that you clearly love to the ends of the earth...but still...anyone could get fried with that much close contact, right? <3 I hope you're well and hanging in! That's a super cute pillow. Doily for the win!!!

sillygirl said...

Come in from the beach! Summer is over and we want to hear what you are up to now!

Margo said...

Haha, that was just the push I needed :) Thank you! I'm back.