I also made my sister a Nola Cloche. She had admired mine, and dropped copious hints that she would love one (and a quilt, too - she has let the universe know that she wants a Margo quilt; the universe is listening, honey).
I had to rip out a large section of the hat when I was making it because somehow I miscounted stitches or added stitches or something. But my knitting has progressed far enough that I can fix some mistakes, so I'm extra-gratified that it fits her (and her guy!) so nicely.
And I made him some hotpads, too. We drew names for Christmas gifts, and I got his name. In typical guy fashion, he only had one boring gift on his wish list. Since he's an amazing cook, I made him some hotpads to go with the boring gift he was expecting.
I am deeply grateful to all the wonderful adults who teach and care for my kids. I made two dishcloths for Phoebe's preschool teachers - I still intend to do something for the other teachers. No law that says gifts and notes of appreciation can only happen at Christmas, so I'll aim for January.
So that's some of the homemade Christmas goodness On the Record. How was your Christmas?