Monday, October 1, 2018

Another Green Dress

When I made my first green dress, I told you I had a second green one planned from this pattern.  Here it is! It's been finished for weeks, but just not photographed.

This fabric is so delicious.  I got it at a rummage sale for a few dollars.  It's the soft green color of money, with an obvious weft of white thread running through it - looks like linen, but it's soft and light like cotton shirting. 

Also, that border print and striping is so pleasing to my eye, although it gave me fits to lay this dress out and plan and match the stripes.  I had to rip a few seams to get the stripes to line up, and even still, if you look closely, they don't match exactly.

I skipped the shoulder ties and allowed the border print to dictate a longer length.  So this dress feels a little dressier than my green calico.  I put on the scarf and jacket for the cool morning - I was pleased with the dash of red next to the green.  Christmas can't claim all the red and green!


Becky said...

What a great dress! I like the red with it - that shade of green, with the blue and red looks more summery than holiday. That fabric is great! Well done.

sillygirl said...

I wouldn't worry about everything lining up - I know that the left side of my body isn't the same as the right and I think most of us are that way so clothes that don't line up are just right!

Christy K. said...

Love love love!

e said...

Beautiful! The fabric looks lovely and soft, great colors. I'm always so impressed by your garment making skills. This dress looks like a perfect one for going from summer to fall. And, I agree, Christmas doesn't 'own' red and green!

Juliana said...

Nicely done! What a great use of pattern and fabric (those stripes are wonderful!!) I tried this pattern after loving your first green version, but it didn't suit me as well as it does you. I will be content to enjoy your dresses vicariously!

The Shanks said...

Hey the dress is beautiful and you look great! Your post on jogging inspired me, so hopefully I will have success like you did (I don’t have a pretty new dress though)

BLD in MT said...

I love it. That fabric looks amazing and the bodice is spectacular. And good on you with the stripe matching. I mostly avoid fabric/patterns where I have to fuss with matching. I should. I love how it looks, but the math and layout boggles me. :)

Nancy In Boise said...

Well that came out just awesome! Looks great and you should be really proud of yourself for doing such a great job

Sharon Nolt said...

So chic! Love the bodice design. So unexpected.