Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sunday Dinner: Amish, with Red Beet Eggs and Apple Butter

I went all Pennsylvania-Dutch with this Amish Sunday dinner.  I marinated hardboiled eggs in my canned red beet brine, and set out tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, bread, and apple butter.  

I think my husband got out the mayo, too, and made himself a tomato sandwich (looks like he got out the wine, too!).  But we all ate various combinations.  I experimented with cheese and apple butter, and it was wonderful!  Until now, I had used apple butter like a spread on toast, or dolloped on cottage cheese as you find on the food buffets around here. But I now highly recommend that you make some cheese toast and spread some apple butter on top - it's been my breakfast for a few mornings running.

This was the Sunday dinner where I had made a pie, a French fruit tart with blueberries and blackberries. It did not photograph well, nor was it popular with the kids for various reasons.  Humph.


  1. I like the look of the marinated eggs. Beet pickled eggs aren't really a 'thing' in the UK and my husband isn't keen on beetroot so it's not something I think of doing. I have just tried making mustard and turmeric pickled quail eggs though, which I have great hopes for!

  2. I love red beet eggs! It's one of my favorite "treats", but I don't make them very often. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Hazel, I love mustard eggs! I have a recipe somewhere on here. . .

  4. Hmm. Well, if the kids don't like the pie, all the more for mom and dad :)

    Your table looks lovely. Good and beautiful food, serene settings. It's an art, and you have the touch.

  5. Sounds like a meal from my childhood! Red beet eggs are one of my favorites. I can’t find them (or apple butter) in stores around here, but I have pickled some beets with plans to make red beet eggs.

  6. I love pickled beets and eggs! These Sunday lunches ae wonderful. We had a clean out the fridge Sunday lunch but it was so good because there was fried chicken. :)

  7. I need to do Sunday dinners like this!

  8. I am very intrigued with your apple butter/cheese recipe. Please give more details. . . did you melt the cheese first, what kind of cheese did you try, etc? We LOVE apple butter and I make it every fall. Love the smell of apples cooking! Thanks for sharing, Margo!

  9. Anissa, the first time I discovered it was this photo: bread, a slice of Swiss, and apple butter. But then, the next few days, I would put cheese on bread and toast it together in my toaster oven. I used Swiss or sharp cheddar. Then, when the cheese was melty and even browned, I would just spread apple butter on top when it came out. SO GOOD.

    If you're interested, my apple butter recipe is here:

  10. I love this kind of meal, we typically call it a nosh, or if there are lots of options on the table, a proper nosh. It's all delicious and nutritious and everyone gets to please themselves. Happy supper!


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