Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Car Mat for Church

I made a little mat for Ben for his bithday, totally thanks to my friend Rachel who showed me the one she made for her son and gave me 2 leftover tiny cars.

I thought Ben could make more roads on the stripes.

As soon as I acquired street fabric, the project went together very quickly.  I used parts of the interfaced placket from this worn-out shirt to make the little garages.  (The shirt reminds me that I have that delicious cupcake fabric in my stash, waiting for an idea for Genevieve. . . )

The best part is how much Ben loves the little toy.  I put it in his church bag, but he begs to get it out betimes.

He's dressed in his birthday shirt and pants from Aunt Mel here - how fortunate that the navy boat shoes handed down from cousin Luke two years ago fit now.  The shirt stays tucked in for approximately 2 minutes, but it's rumpled soft linen, so I like how it looks.


  1. Adorable boy, and a wonderful idea!

  2. What a cutie. So is he four now?
    You have some really great ideas, and so practical.

  3. Oooo! That is such a great 'quiet time' toy! Love it : )
    I made little book cover/bags for the boys with pockets for their tablets and colored pencils and their little Bibles. It holds everything together and they feel important having their own book bags to bring to church with them.

  4. What a great birthday idea!
    My son has been begging for a car mat and I didn't feel like paying alot for one, cause I didn't know if he would use it very much or not!

  5. that's awesome! I might have to copy you and make one for my little guys.

  6. Fantastic idea.. and what an adorable little birthday boy..

  7. Love this!

    He is precious {but you already know that}!


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