Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ben's Quilt

I want to add a wide blue border yet to the top.  But here are photos to show what is going on so far (pardon the wrinkles - the quilt top is quasi-folded and stuffed in a basket). 

I'm planning to machine quilt, but I haven't settled on a design yet.

There are patches from two special shirts:  Ben's daddy and the grandpa he is named after. 

The only fabric that was purchased new was the yellow car and surfboard flannel.  Ben begged for it when he was JoAnn's Fabric with me when he was 2 years old.  I yielded by saying we would use it in his quilt (I did give him a few scraps which he promptly, lovingly, snipped to shreds).

Everything else was given to me (recognize some, Polly? Rebecca?) or bought secondhand before the idea, or even the boy, for this quilt was born.

Other sewing projects keep jumping ahead of Ben's quilt in urgency and interest, but he is so enamored with the idea of his own quilt that his enthuasiasm will keep me going.  I hope it will be done in time for cold weather sleeping again.


  1. I love you fabric selections even if they are second hand. they make the best quilts......I think! I like the Dick and Jane one, reminds me of the book "Surprise".

  2. Hi - I'll link this, or copy your pics if you don't mind, when I show the progress of my quilt, I'm working on a few blocks a night, trying different designs, I love your fabrics xxx love froogs xx

  3. What a great mama! I know I cherish the quilt my mother made me. Good luck as you continue to work on this labor of love.

  4. How pretty and special this quilt will be..


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