A new dishcloth finished. I don't usually like purple, but this deep bluey-purple is going to appear in a whole series of dishcloths by some weird law of my attraction.
And Genevieve is always asking if she can "knit" and I usually gave her a crochet hook and a tangle of yarn. Now she has real knitting needles and pink yarn (thanks to Granny Rebecca); the colorway is "cotton candy" which shows how well Rebecca knows dear Evie.
So Evie and I sat on the sofa recently to see if we could teach her to knit. Nope. I cast on a few stitches and then tried to guide her fingers in a garter stitch. I'm going to try again, this time seeking advice from you all or a library book.
Keep showing her, I'll best she'll pick it up quickly. Sweet, sweet moments captured.
I love this knitting poem for new young knitters;
In through the front door (this is where your needle first goes in for a new stitch)
Run around the back (throw your thread)
Peek through the window (pull the thread through)
And off jumps Jack! (transfer stitch to other needle)
oh, thank you for the knitting poem! I will use that!
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