Thursday, May 9, 2019

Lemon Rhubarb Marmalade

I am trying the third time with a rhubarb plant in my back yard.  This year, there is no black walnut tree to poison things, so we shall see. 

In the meantime, I buy rhubarb at market.  And I overbought lemons for Ben's birthday party.  So this recipe from Food in Jars' Preserving by the Pint jumped at me - I've been looking at my preserving with fresh eyes since I read Marisa's new book, The Food in Jars Kitchen.  I've got a rather crowded schedule these days with three freelance projects right on top of each other, but this recipe is done in in flexible stages, so I thought I could pull it off.

I didn't take the time to slice the lemon peel really fine, but fortunately, it cooked down soft and I like it.

The color of this marmalade is so pretty, and I can attest that it is delicious. It pleases me that there's no pectin involved other than what's in the lemon seeds (tied up in cheesecloth when the jam boils) and pith - and the viscous nature of cooked rhubarb.

A lovely slice of toast on a chilly spring day with a cup of hot chocolate and a fascinating book to edit.


  1. Oh that looks good! I love homemade jams, jellies, and preserves.

  2. Okay, so you made me feel like I could maybe do this marmalade recipe?

    Also, Preserving by the Pint is my desert island canning book. If I could only have one canning book, it would be that one.

  3. Mmmmmm that looks good, and is that on homemade bread toast? Even better! I have a rhubarb plant that is thriving, but no time to use it, now that I'm off to work away from home! I would be glad to share it with local friends if only I knew who wanted some!

  4. I was out of town for a week and my rhubarb went crazy! I'm going to cut several stalks and prep them for the freezer. My current favorite way to use them is in 'blubarb' jam - blueberry and rhubarb. So delicious! (I tried making some marmalade last year and it was an utter failure. I should try again but I'm feeling hesitant!)

  5. Well that sounds really good I might have to try that!

  6. sk, I don't typically share recipes publicly that I've used without making modifications! Technically recipes aren't copyrighted, but I think it's fair to the author to go to the source. I bet your library has Marisa McClellan's Preserving by the Pint - heck, she might have even posted the recipe on her blog.
    Email me privately and we'll talk more, ok? (Email on sidebar)

  7. e, how do you freeze your rhubarb??

    "Blubarb" jam sounds good! When I first made marmalade, it was crazy bitter from the pot. But when I canned it and ignored it for a few days, it was delicious. Huh.

  8. Margo, all I do is wash the stalks and dice them to about an inch long. Since I'm going to be using them in jam it doesn't matter if they lose a little structure in the freezer. I froze three ziptop bags with 6 cups in each - enough for three batches of jam. They will cook down to be smaller than 6 cups in volume.

    I need to clear out my freezer and I see that I have a bag of raspberries in there... I'll try some razbarb jam next!


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