Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Keeping Phoebe Warm

I took some oddments of sock yarn and made Phoebe some wool socks.

 I aimed to make the heels and toes red, but I colored outside the lines on the one sock.  And also, this is some vintage sock yarn I picked up somewhere, and I think it's a little fragile.  I caught the sock unraveling in two red spots, where I joined the red to another color.  Or perhaps the socks are already wearing out because Phoebe has worn them almost non-stop?

Phoebe is suddenly so much taller that her pajamas were inches too short at wrists and ankles.  When I asked her if she'd like a nightie, her face lit up and she asked if she could wear it that night: I had yet to even search out a pattern and fabric!

 But the nightie was fast and easy, and Phoebe has rarely slept in anything else since it came off the sewing machine.

 I let her choose a button - she chose a lamb.  She's my little lamb! And look at my precious 6-year-old Genevieve in a nightie from the same pattern.  Little girls in nighties - so dear.


  1. Phoebe is so adorable, and her new socks and nightie look so warm and comfy!!

  2. The nighty brings back childhood memories for me and I can smell the fabric! My mother always made new nightgowns for Christmas for me.

  3. I love that nightgown! The socks are cute too!

  4. Those are the cutest little things. The socks and the girl and the nightgown. So much sweetness. What a blessed little bird!

  5. What a treasure! I love how much your kids love what you make for them...
    And the socks and nightie are adorable!

  6. So sweet! Well done. And my word but Phoebe looks like her brother in the last picture!

  7. I'd wear those socks none-stop too. So cute. Found your blog a few months ago and always enjoy reading your new posts.


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