Thursday, January 31, 2019

Bright Things I Made

I recently spent hours uploading 2018's photos to Shutterfly, partly to make a surprise project for someone who is probably reading this blog post.  So that's a secret.  But it's so trippy to zip through a year in photos - the events I've forgotten, the details, my children who used to be small, the things I've made.

So here are some things I made that I fully intended to blog, to put on The Record.  Bonus:  they are bright! Perfect for winter when we must make our colors while the natural world sleeps in grey, white, and brown.

I made a new batch of handtowels and aprons (Simplicity 1221) for a shop that promotes young Mennonite makers (I am still young, see). 

I am particularly proud of that little zing of yellow rick rack with the calico and gingham.

 Also, I love yellow and pink together, particularly these strong shades.  I didn't have enough for the belt, so I pieced together the feedsack calico.

I love mixing fabric so much that I like to piece even the toppers for handtowels. Also, I have not forgotten that I owe my readers a handtowel tutorial. 

Also, I made a beautiful cake for Christmas day; well, it's presented as two rectangular cakes.  It's the petit fours cake from Smitten Kitchen Every Day: Triumphant Unfussy Favorites

There was some difficulty and swearing involved as is normal for fancy cakes, but oh my word, this cake was beautiful in every respect.  Those are almond paste holly leaves and berries that I colored and formed with my own stained fingers.  On top of ganache, which covers a triple layer of delicious almond cake sandwiched with raspberry jam. So, so delicious.

Hope your winter day has some brightness in it!  Around here, it's terribly cold and I just found out that school is canceled.  This is frustrating to a person like me who makes it a priority to get proper clothing for my family so they can get fresh air in any weather. I'm sure I'll be sending them out to sled!


  1. I love those aprons! So pretty! For a brief moment I thought about making one of your hand towels, but then I realized that there was a buttonhole involved and thus ended my impulse. Lol. Your petit four cakes look extremely fancy, which is perfect for a holiday dinner.

    Thanks for sharing the bright, pretty, and fancy with us during the dark winter. Cheers!

  2. Excellent photographic finds. I need to make myself a Shutterfly book, actulaly, but haven't yet had the motivation for that particular project.

    That cake is a stunner! Worth all the swearing, I am sure!

  3. The fabric paired with the solid yellow - LOVE. Such adorable aprons.

    I am impressed with your holly leaves and berries! I never take that step. Well done!

  4. I love, love, love all of this. And pink and yellow is also one of my favorite combos. 💛💛💗💗


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