Thursday, July 28, 2016

Sewing Stuff on Tees

It just happened, like dominoes, that I slapped some graphics on tees for the children.  First, Genevieve found a funny tee-shirt at the thrift store in size 4.  I told her I could cut out the peeps graphic and sew it on a larger shirt - and she thought Grandpa would love it because he loves peeps (gross), but on second thought, Grandpa would never wear a pink shirt.

So I found a sale at AC Moore to buy Genevieve a plain tee, but I it was for two tee shirts, so I bought a tiny little one for Phoebe too because I suddenly remembered some vintage iron-ons I had in a drawer.  Then I ironed some interfacing around the back rim of the peeps disc and sewed it on to the new shirt.  "Imagine world peeps" in case you can't read it.

So here is Phoebe's little shirt and look here for Genevieve's shirts from the rest of the vintage scratch-and-sniff iron-ons (and visualize Genevieve trying to help Phoebe understand that she can scratch this thing and smell it - oh, that's funny!).

And then I offered to make Ben an "eight" shirt with one of the plain tees that surfaced in a bag of hand-me-downs (oh thank you Lord for generous friends who pass on clothes!).  

He had a "seven" shirt last summer, which disappeared at some point (probably camp).  I asked him for opinions about the size (BIG) and fabric (shrug) for the eight and he was very pleased with the results. The plaid is some that was left from Grandpa's shirt, also in Ben's quilt.  I wanted the eight to look handmade and a little wonky.  I can't explain why; we want what we want! 

All of this happened in early July and now these tees are faded and probably a bit stained (I don't look too closely).  We are deep into summer.


  1. They look great! I have to confess I have no idea what peeps are though...

    My son's away on Scout camp for two weeks in Iceland. I'm wondering how many of his possessions will make it back in one piece. He's 15 and has just entered the phase of frequent showering and liberally using deodorants, so at least his wash kit will get used this time!

  2. I used to make these not just for my girl, but for all her buds who'd request them as well as the nieces and nephews. I think they've outgrown the idea though.

    Mine has been at camp for 2 weeks and we've gotten exactly one letter, so I suppose she's having a blast.

  3. Hazel, peeps are marshmallows shaped liked chicks in bright colors - especially popular around Easter in the US. I abhor them, but my dad has a thing for them and most American kids love them, too.

    Camp in ICELAND?! That is so neat!

  4. Ah, ok, I can see the appeal with peeps then, though I'm not sure I'd like to actually eat one!

    He got back from Iceland late last night having had the best time. There were Scouts from 7 other European countries plus Canada and the US. The Jamboree lasted a week and then they travelled around Southern Iceland. I've had a peek inside his kit bag and then zipped it up again. I think I need another cup of coffee first!

  5. Eww, peeps! My father-in-law loves 'em too.

    This is a well-timed post for me because I recently organized all my sewing stuff and found several tees I had saved to use for future applique onto bigger tees. Did you iron interfacing under each applique thingie, or only the rim of Genevieve's?

    I totally dig the plaid 8. Nice.

    And I'm not sure when your children got so TALL looking......

  6. Polly, I did the rim of Genevieve's because it was so large, but I did the whole back of the eight. The idea is to strengthen the edges to mitigate fraying, but not make the shirt too stiff. Phoebe's popsicle was an iron-on, so I didn't have to use interfacing.

    Your kids are looking mighty tall these days, too!! How they grow. . .

  7. Wonderful personalizing of the shirts - and love the photos of the children! I have a couple of plain tees for our grandson that I intended to do something with, and this is a good reminder. Good thing I bought larger than needed at the time :)

  8. Perfect summer wear! I love your creative reuse -- it is so satisfying, isn't it, to repurpose something and get an equally wonderful use out of it? I especially love that Ben's '8' was from his grandpa's shirt (and he has a piece of it in his quilt!) Great projects! And, your children look happy!

  9. That is clever. I actually have an old shirt of Matt's that I've been trying to figure out what to do with. The image is still fine, but the shirt is full of holes. I'd considered cutting it out and sewing it on another, but thought it would be too flimsy. Why didn't I think of an interfacing border to sew through!

    And I am with you peeps are, I mean, to each their own. it is a cute shirt though. I like a good play on words.


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