Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Uncle John David's Dessert

Aunt Maggie came up from the South bearing beautiful produce from her and Uncle John David's farm.  Ben was in heaven with a huge watermelon and a midget cantaloupe.  That boy loves melons.  Aunt Maggie rolled her eyes:  they had meant to plant full-size cantaloupes, but then, Uncle JD would split the midgets in half, scoop out the seeds, and fill the bowl with vanilla ice cream.

Then Ben's face just lit up.  So, yes, I put cream on my shopping list and made vanilla ice cream, and yes, the boy and his daddy had their cantaloupe bowls filled with vanilla ice cream.


  1. I grew up doing this very thing, and though I haven't eaten my melon that way in YEARS, I was just telling Abigail about it recently. She thought it sounded gross. Not me! I LOVE it!

  2. That sounds yummy! Midget cantelopes sound like fun.

  3. Delicious to look at, and to eat as well, I'm sure! Ben has a wonderful smile :)

  4. I had that growing up in hot s. cali. as a kid, yummy :)

  5. This is such a perfect way to eat cantalope! My husband introduced me to this so many years ago.


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