Thursday, September 4, 2014

Building Things and Selling Flowers

Ben keeps building boats.  He sometimes goes directly from his morning bed to the yard, where I'm sure the neighbors hear the hammering and think a contractor has begun work at the usual hour of 7am.

First the boats were flat, and they did not float well in our friends' pond.  Now they "have sides."  I tried to tell him about how Noah coated the Ark with pitch, but I'm not sure he heard me; what's the modern-day, average- family equivalent of pitch, anyway?

The children also work on their Calico Critter houses. I save lids (which can't be reycled) for the creative reuse store, but more often than not, Ben raids the stash to make things for his Critters.  I also flatten cardboard and chipboard to be recycled, and that stash is constantly raided and the scissors constantly dulled for the Critter houses.

These houses are ugly by Pinterest standards, but I know the ingenuity and care that went into them, so I enjoy looking at them.  I get tired, sometimes, of the prettified images of life on Pinterest (and some blogs).  It's so easy to think my life is ugly when, in fact, I am living my life with all its attendant dirt, disorder, and unsightliness that doesn't photograph well.  Maybe I need a break from my Pinterest feed. . . 

Genevieve loves to set up shop, whether it's selling things she's gathered or made.  We are frequently invited to a store and commanded to buy something with real money.  Oh, that girl!  

I bought this sweet bouquet for a dollar.  (A real dollar that she lost in a broken vending machine at the pool with a shrug, until her daddy marched her up to the counter and made her ask for it back because "this is not a game!  This is money!")

I've been feeding these interests with targeted library books and some tools.  I've bought them nails and a hand drill.  I wonder what they will get into next. . . 

(linking up with Leila and Rosie's pretty/happy/funny/real)


  1. Real life is way better than Pinterest!

  2. Our children did the same! The joy and pride of creating cannot be matched. But then, your children come by their leanings honestly, do they not?

    What a sweet vase. The bouquet is just right.

  3. I really like her set-up in the wagon, so prettily arranged. It would look good on Pinterest, I believe! ;-)

    You would probably do well to take a rest from those images. I am one of that group who collects, and I ask myself why I'm doing it. They are soothing to look at, but I've only been on Pinterest a short time and already have well, well over a thousand pins. I get a restful feeling from looking at them, same as perusing a Country Living issue. So, in my home I'm brutally trying to purge and simplify, but online I am collecting, collecting. Hmm. As for why others do it, I often get the idea that there's something disturbing about the so-widespread practice. Something is missing. On the other hand, people are searching for beauty. I just hope they are not all living entirely in these dream worlds.
    Enough philosophizing! I don't seem to have any conclusions here. :) You at least, have your feet on the ground, Margo!

  4. I like it real. Grit and all. Those are my favorite blogs to read. I don't pinterest, but I did check it out when Matt and I were wedding planning. It seemed like my own simple ideas were just as good and much more me--and real. Not to say that people didn't have stunning arrangements and cute ideas, was too much, at least for me with a lot of, as you might say, prettification.

  5. I love this. I made shoe box houses when I was a girl, using catalogs to cut out decorations. So much better than pinterest!!!

  6. I must admit I agree with you about Pinterest. Give me a good dose of reality anyday. We can all pretend our lives are perfect. We sometimes have a similar problem with the vending machine at our sports centre. Trouble is it's maintained by a completely seperate company who will only refund you in postage stamps! Crazy, but such is life.

  7. I love this post. And I love what your kids are creating. I like the idea of saving lids for creative use, so I think I'll start doing that too! Thanks for posting real pictures of real life!

  8. The hand-drill is a favorite at our house, especially with a good vise.

  9. This brings back memories. My daughter used to put flowers in old jars and sell them on the corner. Kind of like a lemonaide stand. ;)

  10. Those are perfect critter houses.

    I used to pin lots of pretty things. Decor ideas etc. I still do some but now it's mostly recipes and sewing ideas...because those are the ones I usually go back to and actually use!

  11. Margo, I am so impressed with the kids houses, that they made. For them to beg for those little critters and work to get them.. It shows ,they really wanted them..And look what creativity that those little toys have brought to your kids. The houses are wonderful. I love that you provide all these things for them to work with.. How fun.
    Love the set up in the wagon. This girl has talent...
    Have a great day

  12. Your sweet post made me think you might enjoy a blog I just discovered: by a father of three who makes cool simple toys for and with his children.

  13. Pinterest (and I might add FB) have a way of making me feel disatisfied all too often. I love your line about "living your life... that doesn't photograph well." Love the creative play. And FYI, my children also lost a dollar in the vending machine at the pool this summer. :(

  14. My sister and I spent so many happy hours making little houses! I loved seeing these.

    I am with you on Pinterest. I believe it is behind much discontent these days. I pretty much only use it to store recipes now.

    My nephew writes books and illustrates them and then sells them to my Mom for $3! Grammie cannot say no!

  15. Your life is beautiful, and these children and their creativity will be grown in the blink of an eye. ENJOY!

  16. Oh, I love it!! My children have learned that if they want something they need to figure out how to make it. I think this is a good thing! Your children are making the most charming things! Good for you for being an encourager of that!

    Oh Pinterest. I never get on to 'browse'--only to pin something I see on a website (which I don't seem to think to do often). I find it utterly overwhelming!!! And I'd much rather see someone's real life.

  17. Those houses are GORGEOUS. And make me want to pry my child away from mine craft right this very minute to go make one.

  18. Those boats are a sign of genius. One of our sons built helicopters out of scrap wood--helicopter after helicopter after helicopter.

  19. Bah on Pinterest. This is real life and real creativity. Love it. (And love Calico Critters!)

  20. Sweetness.

    This is childhood.


  21. Oh, and I'm going to put a book recommendation on my blog in a few days that your G (and B) might really like...connects w/all this homespun creativity!

  22. I think the pictures are lovely! And no perfect pinterest craft can match the smile of a child who is proud of their work.

  23. We have the same type of house-building at our house (as well as "company store" setup!) And we have the little people Lift and Load as well. So fun!

    I think Pinterest is just a locus for whatever people are feeling -- if I'm in a rut with a tendency toward discontent or comparison, that's what will come through or be inferred when I visit. But as a visual person, I love using it as a reference for small house projects, and it was super useful during our kitchen renovation.


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