Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ordinary Days

Here are some ordinary moments, made special because we noticed them.  This collection is for Leila and Rosie's weekly round-up, pretty/happy/funny/real.

Pretty porch pots:

summer savory with begonias

geraniums and begonias and the rest is edible:  2 thymes, basil, rosemary, lovage
There was a happy weekend at the cabin with my husband and my uncles' biking club, wherein I biked 23 miles (more than ever before!) and had a ball and renewed my dislike of sleeping on the ground. Next time I am buying or borrowing a cushy mat; my bones are too old.

These are the funny signs that Genevieve made and hung on her bedroom door:
Free! Masashase! [massages] Pleas knok all day long!
A art show and mazeum [museum] for Ben! and crafs [crafts]! Thank you!

And here she is showing me her new freckles.

My girl. Who is almost done with first grade.

And the real part of my week that I have a photo for is that I made this shaved asparagus pizza and wasn't wowed. It was supposed to be wow-y, but I got off on the wrong foot with this pizza when I discovered that my peeler has a metal piece that prevented me from shaving the asparagus down as far as I wanted to. Plus, I didn't used smoked cheddar the way Rebecca's Clara did when it wowed them, so there's that.
I think I'm going to try again.


  1. Everyday holds some beauty in it doesnt it? :)
    Thanks for reminding me to look.

  2. The signs are wonderful.

  3. "Here are some ordinary moments, made special because we noticed them."

    A profound truth.

  4. It truly is special when we can see how special ordinary moments can be.

  5. The bike ride sounds like fun. (And you can never make enough pizza--even a slightly imperfect one is still delicious!)

  6. Asparagus pizza, huh? I might have to look into that. I love asparagus. I love pizza. Maybe I'd really love an asparagus pizza.

    Matt bought be a 2 1/2 inch inflatable sleeping mat for my birthday last year. It makes such a difference compared to sleeping on the hard, cold ground.

    Great job on the cycling. Sounds like a lot of fun!

  7. I've just put asparagus in spaghetti Carbonara, which I liked but husband wasn't enamoured with (but it's not exactly his favourite vegetable).

    I think you may need to put the lovage in a pot of it's own. It will get huge, even the first year. Mine is a couple of years old and is 4 foot already- it will get to 6 or 7'...

  8. Such beautiful plants. And love the cabin photos.. there is so many beauties in life...if we just take the time to see them.
    Of course Genevie's signs were the best.. She is adorable.
    Have a great day.
    ps I hate don't see us ever trying that

  9. Hazel, seriously?! Apparently I didn't pay close attention when I bought and planted lovage! I'll have to read up on it a little more closely.

  10. I love your vase with geraniums,begonias, thymes, basil, rosemary, lovage.

  11. Margo- 'Fraid so!
    It'll die right back in the winter and the hollow stems it leaves are great for overwintering ladybirds and other insects.

  12. Your daughter's spelling seems quite advanced for her age - she did a good job sounding out 'massages' and knew there were two 'k's' in knock. I'm willing to bet she is a good reader ...

    I'm with you on the not sleeping on the ground. I think I'd need more than a cushy pad to go camping these days - more like a motor home :)


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