Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Ben was counting the days and now he is five. 

He had clear ideas for his celebration:

1.  No chores.
2.  Presents.
3.  Sushi, shrimp kebabs, pesto and pasta, Oreo dessert, and popcorn.  I also made him beans and weenies (baked beans with hot dogs) for lunch, and chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast because it was fun to see his face light up.

Using M&Ms to make a car shape on his "cake"

punch balloons from Grandpa and Grandma

Last month when I made a purse for Genevieve, Ben requested one, too. I made vague noises and I think he forgot about it.

Isn't it so fun to plan a delightful surprise, keeping the secret and savoring the moment of reveal?

I took a pair of his Sunday corduroys that had worn through at the knees and used them as a basis for a bag.  We did tell Ben that most men carry bags, not purses.  He politely ignored us.

I bought an expensive half-yard of Richard Scarry fabric and used that to line the bag, create the zipper top, and line the strap.  I used a zipper top to keep Ben's precious things secure when he inevitably flings the bag around (why must children fling things?).  I did collect some bag ideas on my Pinterest board and study their methods, but in the end, I just made it up as I went along. 

I'm pleased with the bag itself and so is he, but it looks funny on Ben because it's so big.  I made the bag entirely after he went to bed and I never thought how big it might look with the little boy.  Because he is five now and that's so very big.  And small.  Oh, I have such mixed feelings about my children growing up!

And today, Ben and his daddy are on a special birthday trip.  They left very early to catch a train and the day promises to be full of delight.


  1. You sure do know how to party it up real good!

    Also, big bags are better than little bags, in my humble opinion.

  2. What fun it must be, to be five! (I forget, it's so long ago!) I like the bag...wish I had those sewing skills!

  3. It's funny....Ben's list of Birthday requests are very similar to mine!!

  4. Awesome birthday list from, Ben. I couldn't have told you what sushi was when I was a five year old!!! What a well rounded young man you've got there! And may I say that I hope to someday be clever enough about sewing to just make-it-up-as-I-go!!! You're inspiring!

  5. It is a perfect bag for a newly-five-year-old. Happy Birthday and Happy Year, Ben!

  6. Happy Birthday Ben..
    I know he and his daddy will have a fun day.. Anxious to hear all about it.
    and what a great food day for Ben... and love his bag.. I think a "bigger bag" is great for a little boy.. It will hold 'ALL" of his favorite toys.. and what a sweet mama to surprise him with this ..
    Yes, it is so hard to see our babies grow up.. Even when your baby is 36 ,you still miss him.ha

  7. My little boy wanted a bag too at that age. I'm not a seamstress but I found one at a thrift store that was made of fake fur with a monkey on the front. He loved it and carried all his treasures in it. Later on he used it as his supply bag when he dressed up as Daniel Boone.

  8. Birthday greetings to your little man! I really love the bag you made for him...and yes, that zipper was important. It'll be fun for you to watch how he uses it as he grows.


  9. I love EVERYTHING about this post, from his food requests to his desire for no chores and the wonderful bag and the Richard Scarry. Sounds like the perfect birthday to me.

  10. Happy Birthday to Ben :)

    I think a man bag is a fine gift!


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