Friday, April 12, 2013

An Infinitesimal Patch

I was sewing along on an oven towel when I realized there was a snip in my vintage plaid fabric.  I was loathe to throw out the topper, so I patched it.  With a teeny tiny little patch. I think it's charming!  The towel is in the shop, along with some other new things.

The plaid was used in this scarf.

The mustard fabric from the patch is also on the back of these curtains, and and I used the copper thread from this skirt.

I have been complaining to Rebecca recently that some of my scraps will not die, that I must be sure I like a fabric a lot before I buy it, because it will be in my scrap bin for years!  Maybe I should initiate a scrap exchange with other people who sew patchwork. . .


  1. Maybe with the scraps that don't die - you could donate to schools for their art/craft room. I know lots of the schools appreciate a variety of free materials for their lessons.

    And I love those hand towels with the buttons... my girls have been so bad with hanging up or even keeping the towel on the rail. Even a large towel to wash their hands still won't stay put. So I'm determined to sew my own and button them on the rail so they NEVER fall off!! :)

  2. You know, I read a book once about a Depression era sewing circle where the women did just that: came to sewing circle with a bag of scraps and swapped them around. I remember that there was a teeny little paisley piece that was extra desirable.

  3. oh YES, the Persian Pickle Club or some such. I MUST hold a handwork night and do this!

  4. That is an excellent patch! Boy, you are sure using the teeniest, tiniest bits of fabric.

  5. Just found your blog via Down to Earth. Love that teeny patch! I have lots of scraps too; I believe they breed in the bins, how else could they keep multiplying? I've made patchwork quilts thinking I could use up lots, wrong. The swap idea is grand, I'm going to initiate it at church. Thanks for sharing.

  6. You have just set the bar higher for me in terms of how small a piece of material has to be for me to throw it out. This is not good!

    I just love that teeny patch. It is so dear.

  7. That is the cutest patch! And I really love your shop.

  8. Fantastic idea.. And the tiny patch, just made this more adorable..

  9. I love that idea! I also use my scraps to make a big backyard banner every year in the spring. I think I'm going to blog about it soon, but basically I just tie strips to clothesline. It ends up pretty.

  10. oh, Meryl, I must hear more about this!

  11. Lisa and Jenny, I must clarify! This tiny patch came from a larger piece of fabric in my scrap bin. I just cut it down to the size I wanted. I routinely throw away small scraps that I don't think have more life (and even some that -wince - might).

  12. Yes, I suppose we must have common sense about what we keep and what we toss.

    *looks around guiltily*

  13. I keep the tiniest scraps! But i'm a bit ridiculous, me thinks :) I use them for my crazy patch hot pads.

    A scrap exchange could be oodles of fun!

  14. I love your scrap!!

    Margo, I had this idea a while back -- but how to implement it?

    Here is the post:

    If you can figure something out, I'd love to be a part of it, if only to reduce my scrap pile :)


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