Monday, February 4, 2013

A Handy Trash Bag for the Sewing Room

When I began my sewing career, I put my snipped threads and fabric trash in a little pile immediately to the right of the machine.  I never put a trashcan proper at my sewing station, and I was forever picking up little piles of threads from the floor or my children's shoulders when they leaned in to see what I was doing.

Finally, I looked on Pinterest for a solution.  I found one!  I made a little fabric can to dangle over the side of my worktable, held in place by a wide ribbon glued around a baked-potato-sized rock. Nifty,  huh?

The thread catchers I saw online had pin cushions to keep them in place, but I subbed in a rock because I have a pin cushion I'm devoted to (Genevieve reminded me that she picked up the rock on this blissful vacation last spring). 

I did try to sew a sleeve for the rock, but then I thought the trash can would be more portable if the rock was firmly attached to the ribbon.  I wrapped the ribbon around the rock a time or two, hot-gluing as I went.  I intend to carry the little can to the living room coffee table or dining room table when I carry my handsewing there. No more sewing snips on the floor!


  1. Genius! When I sew, that is always my issue...the left over thread and tiny snips of fabric get strewn all over the table.

  2. A very smart and attractive solution. I've seen similar, but not so charming and sentimental (what with G's memories of the rock and all) as this one. Good work. I use a small basket with a handle that I found too small for any practical basket purpose and just small enough to live aside my sewing machine. Somehow I still find thread on the floor though....

  3. What a unique and lovely solution! I love that it is portable too.

    My thread problem is more a 3-cat problem - they fish those threads out of any container I put them in. Then they eat them. Not good. :) Maybe I need a different solution ... maybe a coffee can with a hole in the lid ... thanks for inspiring me to think about this, instead of just getting frustrated the next time I sew.

  4. Very clever! I use my trash can and make a pile to my right. Sometimes I tape a small paper bag to the table if I'm doing a lot of sewing. Your idea looks much nicer than a brown paper bag.

  5. This is so cute and clever!!! What a good idea. I'm forever picking threads off the rug and people's clothing after I sew something....

  6. That little trash can is a great idea! I'm always leaving scraps of fabric and threads around and they get on everything!

    Garbage Can Online
    Portable Trash Can


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