Monday, July 2, 2012

The Hilarious Game of Exhaust Ball (with video!)

Margo:  So you saw this game at the baseball stadium when you took the kids on Saturday? [Thanks to our neighbor John for the free tickets]

Mr. Thrift: Yeah, but they made us wait in line for 10 minutes only to tell us that we needed a wristband to play the games.  And Ben cried.  So we took our balls and went home.  Well, we didn't actually have balls there.

Margo:  You have balls now.  Tell me what you did today while I was at my job.

Mr. Thrift:  I bought 6 solid plastic training balls, not whiffle balls.  I tried using that old fan from an air hockey table, but the air wasn't strong enough.  Then I hooked my shop-vac hose up to the exhaust hole and wedged the hose between 2 rocks.

Margo:  And?  And?

Mr. Thrift:  You see the results!  It's tee-ball without the tee!

Margo:  Wow, it's fun!


  1. That's so completely, awesomely, cool!!! Looks like fun : )

  2. Ha! I love this idea. My son is heading out to the the garage for the shop vac as we speak :)

  3. A follow-up note from Mr. Thrift: It's a good idea to thoroughly clean the shop-vac and hose before doing this. *cough, cough*

  4. dear Mr. Thrift, I did think this morning that we could use the indoor vacuum sweeper as it would be cleaner.

  5. THAT is awesome! LOVE it!! Go Mr. Thrift. Loved seeing it in action...seeing y'all in action :-)

  6. that is possibly the most ingenious idea! Way to go Mr. Thrift!

  7. You guys seriously rock. What fun and clever parents your children have!

  8. What a fantastic and fun idea.. Great job entertaining the kids , Mr. Thrift..


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