Wednesday, July 4, 2012

High Summer Supper

Sweet corn, on the grill.  It's tasty, but the direct roasting like that does make the kernels chewy.  I like that heartiness, but it's a surprise after boiled corn.

This is basically how our butter will look the rest of corn season.

Umami burgers in homemade buns.  My husband said it was the best burger he'd ever had; I wasn't willing to go that far.

Photo credit to Mr. Thrift who said I would be happy he took this photo.  I then felt inspired to take photos of the rest of the meal.  Even though I was hot.  Thank you, honey.

Cherries for dessert.

But the cherries are done now.  I got the first peaches and apricots at market this week, and they have been perfuming the dining room as they ripen in the big wooden bowl.  They're so luscious that Ben wanted to have a second apricot today instead of more pesto and pasta.  Ah, summer.  But it's so fraggin' hot.


  1. oh...what yummy looking hamburgers. The buns are just wonderful looking.
    And I too, love corn on the cob, cooked on the grill.. A whole different taste to boiling. We had it on the grill today too.. so good.

  2. We got our first peaches on Monday. I warned the kids that the first peaches of the year are often unimpressive and cling stone to boot. What a lovely surprise! They were, as you say, perfumed and intensely sweet. This wretched weather is good for something.

  3. Love the butter shot. We enjoy our corn on the grill, too...sometimes if you grill them w/husks still on, or at least a thin layer of husks still on (on a higher level if your grill has that), the corn won't be chewy.

    I had to read the whole Umami article. Very interesting! Worth a try!

  4. Beth, I keep fish sauce on hand. It does perk up food, the same way Worcestershire sauce does (they are both based on anchovies!). Let me know how you experiment. . . when life settles down.


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