Monday, June 18, 2012

Surprise! Raisins on Pizza

I was very in touch with my intution when I put raisins on pizza.  I just thought it would be good.  Only after the pizza was in the oven did I realize that the flavors mirrored a good salad.  Well, duh.

The blueprint, in layers:

whole wheat pizza crust
1 cup very garlicky white sauce (I made it earlier and it had cooled down)
chopped, raw beet greens - no need to steam first - let the oven do the work!
about a 1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese
scattering of thin onion rings
about 2 Tbsp. raisins

When I make pizza for supper, I make two.  One is a traditional tomato sauce base, the other is an experiment - with pesto, ricotta, cottage cheese, and now white sauce.  My family is usually less enthused about my experimental pizza.  However, this time, they were big fans.  I will be doing this again.


  1. Mmmm! I think I may do pizza for dinner tonight : )

  2. I think my children prefer pesto to a tomato topping on our homemade pizzas. I haven't tried white sauce and ricotta sounds delicious- quite eastern Mediterranean.

    My favourite topping in a popular UK pizza chain is the Veneziana- red onions, capers, olives, sultanas and pine kernels and I've done something similar at home with added spinach/chard as well. Lovely!

  3. YUMMY!!! I want to come to pizza night chez Margo. Sounds so good. I think we'll try this when we get home...I'm a HUGE fan of non-traditional pizzas.


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