Friday, November 18, 2011

Piles of Fabric

I'm busily replacing a raft of hanging hand towels that sold out of my etsy shop.  What I am dying to sew is a carrying bag for my new yoga mat - oh the non-matching possibilities!

Then I want to make myself a copper-brown wool skirt, another school shirt for Genevieve, and start to possibly think about maybe making a Christmas crafting list.

There's one new hand towel in the shop - more waiting to be photographed!


  1. I'm amazed how tidy you are when you sew, my dining room table becomes a no go area at this time of year and I sometimes find it hard to contain my making to just the one room.........I am a sewing slob! x

    p.s. Great to hear your shop is doing so well.

  2. i always have tons of sewing projects on the horizon. i think i like planning for them more than i actually like sewing :)

  3. I love your mis-matched ways. I think I'm too much of a rules follower to throw caution to the wind with fabrics and patterns and colors.

    Congratulations on your sales!!

  4. I got a compliment on the hot pads I bought from your shop. Took them with me to the kids' thanksgiving feast and one of the other moms took notice. :-)

    They are my favorite item in my kitchen, I think!

  5. thank you, Beth!

    Lily, I can't make a huge mess because we eat our meals on that table :) I've gotten accustomed to working in bursts because of being around small children.


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