Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happiness is. . .

a fat new bar of French lavendar soap. . .

pretty is the burpcloths I made for an old friend's new little baby sweetie girl. . .

funny is  Ben leading singing, but the really funny part is the songs he cobbles together and words he supplies. . . . Philadelphia Chickens meets "Jesus has forgiven me, the blood He shed on Calvary. . ."

real is our old car and how we counted down the miles to 200,000.  It turned over when Ben and I went 2 miles down the street to drop off a trunkload of styrofoam for recycling. 


  1. Hurray for old cars! Especially if they are paid for! :)

  2. Leading singing...I do believe every church going child mimics this. So sweet.

  3. I love the lyrics children can think up :) Philadelphia Chickens is one of our favorites too.

  4. I love those burp cloths!!!!

    And I LOVE that singing boy!!!

    We are high mileage drivers too. My husband's last car met an untimely death at 375,000 miles. His current car is at 270,000 & he considers it 'young.' frugality at work!!!!

  5. Ordinary life is beautiful and real. I love, love, love the soap photo. Nice shot.

  6. You son is a hoot. I would have loved to be at that singing!

  7. Adorable burp rags! When we have our next baby I'll have to make some of my own. They are super sweet and I love that you can pick out any cute fabric that suits your fancy!

    Also, I really like your Chesterton quote! So true.

  8. "Happiness is. . .
    a fat new bar of French lavendar soap. . ."


  9. Philadelphia Chickens! We have that at the library, and I sometimes play it while working in the children's dept. Hilarious!

  10. I want that Lavendar soap!


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