Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What I Made on Vacation

I cut out the flower parts ahead of time, then did the handsewing at the beach cottage while watching movies.  Oh.  I told you I was away from screens all week.  I didn't count movies.  Oops.

Finished the binding on these.  My favorite is the front pair with the vintage red, yellow, and blue patchwork.  I snapped those up at A's creative reuse shop for pennies.

Then I came home and made a fascinator - set up shop in the bathroom for the good light and mirrors.

I would glue on a part, hold it against my head and study the effect, and glue more on.

Fascinator reveal tomorrow!
And then, I made the final things for the craft show this weekend:

I didn't take a close up of this ruffle scarf - it's a custom order: soft white with black topstitching.  Very smart and surprisingly retro looking.

Locals, if you want to catch me at the craft show this weekend, email me for details.  Otherwise, look for my etsy shop to re-open August 8 (hmmm, or 9).


  1. You have been busy on your vacation. I would love a vacation that allows me to sit and do things I love to do.

    I have a question for you. How do you fair on Esty sales wise? (not dollar wise). Do you find you sell most of what you put on there?

  2. Heritage, not necessarily everything. The items can be in the shop 4 months before you have to relist them. I have found that it helps if I participate in the etsy things - make treasuries (the collection you see on the front page of etsy), join teams and then participate in their discussions. One of the purposes of this blog is to drive traffic to my etsy shop - however, I think many of my readers here are already creative enough - most of my etsy sales are not from blog readers.
    I also consign things locally, with my etsy shop address attached to those tags. I have business cards with my etsy and blog address too. It's a matter of getting word out, I think.

  3. Oh my, weren't you productive on vacation! I'm loving the ruffle scarf... I had forgotten that you make those and how much I love them.

    Your tablescape in the post below is lovely! Good for you, avoiding the screen and all!

  4. Thanks Margo. I had my Esty shop up and running with Vintage things and found no results. But last night I put my bonnets on and hopefully that will help with something. I shall take a peak around Esty and see what I can stir up.I am going to be in a sale in September ( local) and at the Fall Fair in october. The email and Esty address on the cards are a fantastic idea. Missed you while you were gone, but glad you had a holiday.


I enjoy the conversation in the comments - thank you for that. I will answer your questions here in the comments. Please note that I don't want the world wide web to know my family's surnames and location. Generic comments with links will be treated as spam and deleted.