Saturday, May 28, 2011

First Strawberries on Dessert Biscuit

I almost titled this post "finally" because it feels like we've been waiting for strawberries for ages with worries that the excessive rain was rotting them, but here they are, only a few days later than last year

We had our first strawberry shortcake on Tuesday, by which I mean strawberries, whipped cream, and some kind of cake-ish thing.  When I grew up, it was "cottage pudding" from Mennonite Community which was really a short cake.  I sometimes make Carla's Hot Milk Sponge Cake from More with Less, but here it was dessert biscuit following Rebecca's instructions.

To my whole wheat biscuit recipe, I add an egg and a little sugar.  I pat it into an 8x8 pan and bake it about 10 minutes longer.  Cut into squares, break open, top with lightly sugared, sliced strawberries and freshly whipped cream.


  1. The first strawberries are such a joy!! We've moved on to the first cherries; I've eaten as many as I pitted and there's a buttermilk-spelt cobbler about to slide into the oven. Ahhh, printemps!!!!

  2. Yummo! I could eat a big serving right now! I think your girl enjoyed her strawberries; I can't get my strawberry girl to stop eating them!

  3. Those pictures of Evie are hilarious!

  4. That middle photos is just too wonderful.


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