Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dandelion from the Back Yard

I cleaned up all the dead vegetation from winter last week and paused to look at the dandelion greens I was weeding.  Why, I asked myself, was the stuff at market good enough to buy and eat, but not my own dandelions from my back yard where never a chemical has been??  So I fetched my kitchen scissors and basin and cut all the dandelion leaves. 

I washed it, wrapped it a dishtowel, and bagged it.  It's kept, beautifully crisp and fresh, for over a week now, a fast lunch with dressing and eggs on hand.  And the dandelions are in full downy yellow flower all over the yard, past eating.  But that's ok:  I'm going to market today for other spring goodies.


  1. I've never tried dandelion. Perhaps next year. I could feed several families with what we have in our yard, but they are no longer good once they are blooming?

  2. It's my understanding that yes, once the flowers bloom, you don't eat the leaves anymore - I'm guessing it's a taste thing. I haven't done any formal research on it - I'm curious to know if any of my other readers know why.

  3. Actually eat them only a day or two after coming out the ground. After that they are plain bitter. Yuck!

  4. We eat them any time, all summer long. The blossoms are also edible and so are the roots. In fact, dandelion often makes the list of most nutritious foods.

  5. Good for you! Free food! Hooray!

    I've heard you can blanch some of the bitterness out if you desire to eat the leaves after the flowers come. I've never tried it, but that was what I read. I've heard they are the best the earlier you can pick them though. I am, however, certainly not an expert on the subject.

  6. I've never tried dandelion greens but we have plenty in the yard. Perhaps I should do some "harvesting" of my own!

  7. I've been meaning to try this recipe: http://hungerandthirstforlife.blogspot.com/2011/04/batter-fried-dandelion-blossoms.html

  8. Sylvia, good to know. thank you.

    And Janelle, thanks for the recipe! I never heard of doing that and I think I easily have enough flowers in my back yard.

  9. If you look at the blog (from whence the fried blossoms recipe comes) you'll also see a pickled dandelion buds recipe. Equally enticing. Apparently they can be used like capers.

  10. I ate my first picked-from-my-yard dandelion meal last night. It was pretty good especially considering I just made it all up. I might have to peruse some of these recipes and perhaps it will knock my socks off. I am quite intrigued by fried blossoms! Mine aren't blooming yet, but soon enough!

  11. BLD, how cool! It's possible to just use dandelion greens as regular greens, but we are quite stuck in our hot-bacon-dressing-with- potatoes rut.
    I fried some dandelion blossoms tonight! They were good - took pictures and will blog about it soon.


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