Saturday, March 21, 2020

Home-All-Day Beans

Now we are home all day, every day, thanks to COVID-19.  I'm a little distracted and I'm prone to teariness - is that what you're doing? I start something, walk off, and do something else, and stare into space, and burst into tears.

We are playing board games, doing chores, watching movies, eating our normal good food with extra desserts (morale booster!), and deliberately, consciously, running around in the fresh air every day. I am an introvert and a homebody, so overall, if I don't look too hard at what is causing this situation, I'm content to cuddle down and nest with my dear ones. 

So, the beans. I actually don't have a photo of these beans because they only look like black beans, a little bit soupy. Enjoy these photos of Phoebe playing her daddy Uno instead!

As I put the beans in my slow cooker this morning, I realized they are just absolutely what I want to be cooking in this strange time.  They are forgiving of my distraction, they do well with little check-ins throughout the day but they're fine without, they might get done early if the beans are fresh and then they can sit and wait for dinner.  They use pantry staples, and they are cheap and nutritious. They don't make a big mess, which is lovely because even though I have time - lots of time! -  to clean up the kitchen, I'd rather be sewing.  These beans are the kind of  simple, fundamental food we didn't realize we were craving.  They are creamy and salty and while they have flavor, they can be a side dish or the main dish of a meal.  Tonight we ate them spooned over cornbread with a crunchy purple cabbage salad with cilantro and lime and frying cheese. Also great next to garlicky greens and mac and cheese, or over rice with salsa.

Home-All-Day Beans
Put 1-3 cups dry beans, whatever color you like, in slow cooker in morning (I typically do 2 cups black beans in my 4-quart cooker).  Add water to cover by an inch or so.  Add a tablespoon or so of olive oil, a few shakes of cumin, a sliced garlic clove or two - I just slice it in my fingers with a paring knife, very quick and casual.  Turn on High. In an hour or so, stir the beans, add a little more garlic or cumin, and keep it all cooking.  I check on the beans intermittently, tasting and adding more garlic and cumin if I feel moved, and when they are almost soft, I add salt (the experts vary on when to salt cooking beans - eye roll - I get contrary sometimes and add it whenever I want to).  Sometimes I turn the cooker down to Low.  Sometimes I take the lid off mid-afternoon if the beans have more liquid than I meant them to have.

Phoebe lost the Uno game, can you tell? Be well, friends. Let's keep in touch and lift each other up.


  1. What fun photos! (And yes, I'm feeling raw, too. It's all so strange.....)

    1. Your posts have been super helpful to me!! Although I just realized (hello, distraction) that I didn't leave any comments. But I've been telling all my peeps about your Hong Kong family post

    2. I've been talking with her almost daily. The numbers of COVID-19 have surged again in Hong Kong, what with all the overseas people returning home and not staying in like they should. Now they're back on lockdown (or something much stricter than they were). Schools are definitely NOT reopening on April 20, as they'd hoped. This is gonna take a long, long time.....

  2. Did you say you have been distracted? I have! I hate it. You would think I’d be super focused and productive. Gah!!

    1. I think it's the dark virus shadow out there that throws us off :/ I feel like I'm going through a grieving process, actually, so I'm trying to be kind to myself and just feel ALL the feelings...

  3. Think of next year this time when we can reflect on the family closeness that has happened having lived through this event. It is helping us realize what is really important. These sort of events have happened throughout history and we will go on from them. Take time to bring yourself back to a 1 in anxiety. Fear is not the answer. Eat well (I know you already do this), get enough sleep, get exercise, exercise your mind to return to the calm zone. We will be alright.

  4. I keep meaning to do an all day meal in the crock pot I don't have to worry about, but I can't even get that together right now. Maybe this week I'll aspire to that. In the meantime, I'm trying to spend time in the garden every day and taking the dog on long walks. That helps immensely. Yesterday was my day to be a hot mess, thankfully we've all taken turns around here. My husband and daughter both have strong opinions on how the new dishwasher is to be loaded, so I'm happily just leaving my dishes in the sink for those two to fuss at each other about later. And I started a new knitting project last night, which is helpful in avoiding staring at my phone or laptop. This too shall pass. It's just the getting through that's hard.

    1. SO CIVILIZED when the fam takes turns at losing it ;) I was literally looking up how to do a provisional cast-on when my sis called with urgent requests for masks. Hope to get back to the knitting soon

  5. Thanks for this. I've been missing your posts.

  6. Greetings from another distracted, raw mother - in rural, PA, where we fled from New York. Taking comfort in my mother's garden and in the enormous kindness I see people showing each other all over the world. Has anyone else seen the cellist YoYo Ma's "songs of comfort?" He posts a beautiful song on instagram/twitter every day - and it brings me to tears every day. Be well, all.

    1. Bless you - and I will look for those songs (although do I really need another thing to cry over? Haha, that's the stage I'm at right now)

  7. I'm retired and a homebody and I live alone so... no big difference! My public service has been to grocery shop for my elderly father and for my back fence neighbors who may have been exposed. They are staying home, and good on 'em. Otherwise, it's almost normal at my house.
    Love the pictures of the family! I was sure that Phoebe would win with her team at her back. Oh well... losing is a lesson too.
    Deep breaths and calm moments, my dear.

  8. Great time to snuggle. We live black beans Cuban style with rice!

  9. Those photos tell a story - words not needed!


I enjoy the conversation in the comments - thank you for that. I will answer your questions here in the comments. Please note that I don't want the world wide web to know my family's surnames and location. Generic comments with links will be treated as spam and deleted.