Friday, June 14, 2019

Bag Lady

Here is a vintage apron that a child-who-shall-not-be-named got silver paint and tacky substances on.  To be fair, the apron was given to this child in desperation that clothing not be ruined in experiments that parents generally despaired of, but still.  I salvaged some unstained parts, including the pocket, and made it into a produce bag for my market cart. I have a lot of pretty bias tape, and I've been using it on purpose recently I guess so I can feel free to find more at the thrift store. That's a weird little mind trap!

I did a sewing-for-massage trade with a friend (so wonderful!).  The piece she asked me to resize was from Nepal and when the scraps where tumbled on my floor, I suddenly saw a bag to make.  The solid colors are so great and strong together, and that pretty ruffle is just right.  I actually used the scraps entirely to make this bag.  Satisfying.

The last bag ushers in a new era: an e-reader.  Oh my.  I do adore books, but I could not picture fitting enough books in my luggage and carry-on to keep me happy for an upcoming trip.  Obviously an e-reader is the way to take 40 books along, most for me but a few for my husband and kids just in case.  I only bought two with a coupon that came with the e-reader.  The rest are free downloads, mostly old books whose copyright has expired and have been digitized for such a time as this. Here is the helpful article that led me to books I wanted to read.

The e-reader seems sturdy enough, but I still feel pretty protective towards any screens I have purchased (and let me tell you, it has been a new phone and a new iPad recently, too, and I am sick of it). So I made a little padded bag - sturdy upholstery fabric on the outside, batting scraps in the middle, and lined with a flannel shirt scrap from my husband - with the pocket positioned to hold the charger.  I'm very pleased with it. 


  1. Truthfully, 90% of the time using my e-reader is for trips. I also find the library's waiting list to be shorter for e-reader versions of some books.

  2. My e-reader is great for traveling. My husband had hoped it would cut down on my piles of actual books, but alas. I have oodles of the free downloads and have enjoyed many of those books that I would have otherwise never read. And my e-reader is GREAT for library books. I particularly like that if I don't have my kindle connected to wifi and the book is due, I can finish the book and not have to pay a late fee. Although now that I've said that, they probably changed that policy.

  3. Try Hoopla app and Overdrive. Many libraries use them so you can check books out with your library card.

  4. I love your selection of bags!

    I don't have an e-reader but I made a carry case for a tablet for a friend. It didn't have an interior pocket - great idea there! It was also upholstery fabric, and I lined it with a piece of a 'sham-wow' which I thought would give it some padding and would polish the screen at the same time, lol. This was several years ago and she's still using it!

  5. I love that e-reader bag, I have been looking for something like that for my kindle


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