Sunday, November 25, 2018

A Red Corduroy Dress for Phoebe

I didn't plan this to be a Christmas dress: Phoebe needed another Sunday dress, and this red corduroy needed that ribbon.  I played around with lace and other trims, but couldn't settle on something until I dipped my hand in my piece bag and found this green calico (from my summer dress!).  Somehow it is 1970s and Scandinavia and Christmas all in one, yes? 

Furthermore, I associate yellow with Phoebe, perhaps because her name means "bright" or perhaps because she is in the same family position as my sister whose favorite color is yellow.  There's yellow in the calico and the ribbon, and so I went ahead and finished the hem inside with yellow bias tape.  What can a girl do but carry her yellow purse to complete the ensemble?

I found this pattern easy to sew up.  It's a touch big for Phoebe - I might take in the shoulders a bit. The corduroy and the patterns are pass-ons from Mrs. R when she moved to a retirement home, so this is a really thrifty dress. 


  1. The photo of her with the little red book, squeeeee!

  2. Yes, 70's, yes, Scandinavia! It's perfect, Margo - I love it. I was suddenly reminded, too, of Anna's Daisy, and all the dresses she used to make for her over the years.
    I want this dress for myself for Christmas - it's ideal.

  3. How utterly adorable! I'm glad there is enough material in the skirt for a satisfying twirl. :-)

  4. Love it! The dress and the photos :)

  5. I love it! And the girl in it, is beautiful! :)

  6. What a beautiful dress for your beautiful (big!) girl!

    And perfect for the season given that it is corduroy and red, but I bet no one will think it is a Christmas dress if she wears it in March. (I have an orange dress that I wear year round, but in the month of October everyone comments on it being a perfect dress for Halloween. They never say that when I wear it in May.)

    I love the trim. It really MAKES the dress.

  7. What a lovely job you did on this dress! And how Phoebe is growing :)

  8. Love the whole ensemble. and Phoebe is adorable.


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