Monday, May 14, 2018

Back in March I Had a Birthday

I even had a celebration of my birthday!  My husband and I went to the new Trinidadian restaurant in town.  I also asked for, and got, a shelf for my cookbooks.  Thank you, dear husband!

They had been crammed in a nook above my cupboards (and some of the really tall ones are still there), but now they are easy to see and grab (if you're tall). I also see that I could add some more cookbooks to my deliberately slim collection.  I'm considering Six Seasons by Joshua McFadden or Smitten Kitchen Everyday by Deb Perelman. For now, a cookie tin and funky cookbook are holding the space. Feel free to recommend a cookbook you're loving.

I also had some time to play at my sewing machine on my birthday - that was fun.  You know how some purses these days have tassels hanging off them?  I wondered if I could make a little patchwork dangler for my purse.  I like it, although I think maybe I put too many textures on it, but oh, it was fun to take a break from pressing duties and just play.


  1. What a lovely shelf! My cookbook collection has overflowed it's cabinet in the kitchen, the hutch in the dining room and the bookshelf under the stairs in the living room and is now populating between the banisters on the stairs. My husband keeps saying he's pretty sure he's going to die in a crushing avalanche of books (and shoes) and while he says I'm supposed to be on a no-net gain of them, guess what I got for Mother's Day?

  2. Both of these have ridiculous titles, and yet I haven't had a single "fail" from them yet: RUN FAST,EAT SLOW by Shalayne Flanagan (she just won the NYC marathon) and LOVE REAL FOOD by Kathryne Taylor.

  3. What a great shelf! I have had to slim down my cookbook selection or it would take over my kitchen!

  4. As someone who is intimidated by cooking, I don't have a lot of cookbooks. But, I will recommend a 'household' book: The Hands-On Home, a seasonal guide to cooking, preserving and natural homekeeping, by Erica Strauss.

    Besides food recipes, there are also recipes for natural cleaning solutions, personal hygiene recipes, and recipes for preserving the bounty of our gardens. Very readable and enjoyable and the recipes work!

    I love your shelf. I love finding unused spots in the house and giving them new purpose. I have a similar one in my laundry room for the legion of jams.

  5. I love shelves above doorways, and also above the doors and windows all around the room. So practical and tidy.

    Your collection is delightful!

  6. Just love your collection! May I ask what is your favorite red lipstick that you mentioned in the comments section of COJ regarding Week of Outfits : Yen Ha. Thank you! Just discovered your blog a few days ago thanks to COJ.

  7. Your shelf is great! I am a shorty and could not reach it. Honestly the cookbook that I reach for most often is the red plaid Better Homes and Gardens other than the ones taped in my cabinet doors. My birthday was May 12th and we went to Beatles concert and it was fabulous and I highly recommend 'The Return' if they are in your area. (I see your poster!) Hubby is putting pull out Rev a Shelf drawers in my kitchen cabinets for my birthday gift. One is in and another to go and I love them.

  8. Hi Anonymous, and welcome! My fav red lipstick is by Urban Decay, 714 Mega Matte. I would never have found it without the help of the Sephora saleswoman who pulled out samples and helped me look in the mirror and answered my questions.

  9. What a perfect present for you!! Happy belated birthday!!

    I just recently made a little space for our cookbooks in the kitchen. They'd been in our library/music room/spare room on the book shelves there, but they really should be in the kitchen...where they're used. Even if it is a short trip to the shelf! I like how you utilized the high space though--keep the cupboards and counters clear still.

    If you like Indian food I can't say enough about 660 Curries by Raghavan Iyer. My friends and I have regular Indian Feasts and so have tried dozens and dozens of recipe from it (breads, rice, curries, drinks) and haven't found one yet we wouldn't make again!

  10. I love shelves in unusual places and wish I could have some above doorways, but I am too short to reach those spots :)

    I gave away a pile of cookbooks a few years ago but have somehow managed to replace a lot of them. I don't cook much from them; I just like to read them and look at the pictures - ha ha . . . My diet is fairly restricted but I live vicariously through them.


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