Friday, January 19, 2018

Prettying Up the Puffer Coat

Before I bought Phoebe's plain navy coat on eBay, I looked at the photos closely.  I wanted to add ribbon down the placket and at the zipper pulls on the pocket.  

I think this was meant to be a boys' coat, with rugged orange tape at the pockets, but I took it off and replaced with something a bit more like a Scandinavian girl.  It was easy to topstitch the ribbon on the placket and re-make the zipper pulls with the same ribbon. 

This coat pleases me.  Navy is one of my favorite colors just now looks and great with Phoebe's blue eyes.  We are going out in the cold in style and with mitten clips - such a sanity-saver with kids in the winter.

Phoebe is not in pain in this photo; she is smiling for the camera!


  1. It's adorable, as is the model!

  2. Such a charming uplift to a practical coat!
    I love how Phoebe is smiling for the camera. My daughter used to make the strangest faces when asked to smile!

  3. That last picture is too cute!! I love how you made over her coat. It is very pretty. Regarding the blue, I do the same thing with my blue-eyed boy; his wardrobe is filled with blue, including his outerwear.

  4. She is so adorable! Love how she smiles for the camera! :)

  5. That is a great idea and so practical!

  6. What a charming and adorable detail! I love navy, too.

  7. What a good idea! and I love how Phoebe smiles for the camera. We have a grand-niece who does the same :)


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