Monday, June 12, 2017

Long-Enough Sleeves for the Tall Girl

Genevieve requested a bathrobe, and I thought I'd check the thrift store first before I made her one.  She wanted a big old floor-length robe - so much fabric if I was sewing one!  And while I was finding the robe that she now loves and wears every day, I saw a pair of pajamas for me.  

Vera Wang, if you please, for $3.  But the sleeves were a bit short - a perennial problem for a tall person like me.  I bought a $1 purple shirt, cut off the sleeves and attached them inside the pajama sleeves at the piping seam. 

 Now my wrists will be covered and warm. . . which is not a pleasant thought in this heatwave.  The pajamas are tucked away with my other winter clothes for the cold days.


  1. Oh, those are very nice pajamas with a clever fix!! See, I would have never thought to add to the sleeves. I would have called them three-fourth sleeves. But it's much cozier in winter to have long sleeves!

  2. I love that idea! I need to do that more, as I have a slew of shirts that the sleeves are just not quite long enough.

    I had a lightweight summer bathrobe I adored, but sadly, just sort of fell apart. I have yet to find a replacement and while I have a pattern for one, I'm cringing at the yardage. And no, it's not a full length one. And then the fabric I had that I thought would be a fab summer bathrobe got used for a skirt. That post will be up this week.

  3. What a clever idea! And, what a score! Thrift store shopping yields such interesting results.

  4. Excellent idea - and tighter-fitting sleeves are safer around the stove, too.

    I've done something similar but at the neckline of a T-shirt that felt too exposed - I had a coordinating T-shirt that fit just inside the neckline and had damage to the body. I stitched the two together, then cut off the excess of the inside shirt.

  5. Good idea! Although yes...with the heat of summer in full swing where I live this week, the mere thought of long sleeves makes me wanna curl up and DIE! :) Not really, I guess, but...

  6. I so admire your thrift store finds. We do not have a conveniently located thrift store. Maybe I should keep a running list and try to sort of "bulk shop" when I go there.

    Great job on the pj's.


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