Thursday, June 22, 2017

Just a New Handtowel

Because an old one got too stained to look good and because Phoebe can't pull this one off the oven handle.  Hurray for a small, discrete task where I can exercise my creativity!  And it's crossed off the to-do list unlike various projects (we need to replace our boiler this summer, for one) and emotional burdens that we pick up every morning and try to lay down at night.  Or maybe that's just me.


  1. Immediate satisfaction is good. I'd love a tutorial on these as well!

  2. It looks good! And seeing something DONE is such a boost.

  3. Love this one! Hoping the burden you mentioned is light. ;)

  4. I love this dishtowel. I love all your dishtowels! That is a good way to keep one handy with a little one around. Projects like this make the day to day a lot more bearable.

  5. I'll work on a tutorial!

    beth s, I would say these are rather ordinary burdens of middle age, parenting, marriage, home ownership, housework, etc. etc. And all mingled with joy, too :)

  6. Thanks! I have lots of little children around and appreciate just seeing how to do it so I can get it done without having to sit and figure it out.


  7. Nice and chearie colours. I bought one of your towels a few years ago. Hung it on the stove just like yours. Mine finally wore out completely. Time for another one.


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