Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Another Antimacassar for Dad

This one is to replace the turquoise handtowel thrown over the back of the new recliner.  Mom asked me to make it "green, gold, and brown."  I didn't think I had much in my scrap bag to fit that color scheme (and yes, I limited myself to my big bag of small scraps), but I'm pleased with how it turned out.

Unlike the earlier antimacassar, I did not take the time to handstitch around the edge. I'm busy finishing up projects for my etsy shop instead!


  1. Looks great! It's fun to put scraps to good use.

  2. Your dear mother didn't want to be on your blog?

  3. haha, I should have explained that photo! She didn't know what I was doing, so she was just peeking around the corner and I caught her because I was facing her and snapped the photo without warning. I don't know, it just cracked me up.

  4. Definitely an improvement over a towel. Well done!

  5. The picture of your mother is cute, and funny, too, especially after reading your comment. Very nice antimacassar.

  6. Very nice mate to the earlier antimacassar. Similar but not matching -- perfect! Love the photo of your mom!


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