Wednesday, October 26, 2016

At This Time Eleven Years Ago

At this time eleven years ago, I was holding a very new little baby girl and feeling like a rock star.  The labor had been long and difficult, and there was a rough transition into motherhood ahead, but those early hours with our new baby sweetie were so precious and hallowed.

And now she is eleven.  Baking her own chocolate birthday cake, icing her own birthday cupcakes for school in a style all her own, and embarking on adventures with a ukulele.  I can hardly take it in.  I love her so.


  1. What a sweet smile! Happy birthday to your big girl. When I scrolled down the page, I expected the "kitchen counter" photo to include a stool. It doesn't! She's so tall!!! Makes me feel wistful.

  2. Oh yes! A ukulele. Our girls would have fun together. Now Mia can bake a cake but I need to teach her to make icing. Happy birthday to your big girl!

  3. She could be my daughter in that first picture.

    Kids growing up: such an amazing and wonderful thing. We just celebrated a new 17-year-old, and our gift of a quality jacket put him over the moon. TOTAL appreciation for the gift and the money we put towards it, thanks to this new, ever-growing thing called maturity. For me, that was the lovely part.

  4. Happy Birthday to both of you!

  5. Happy birthday to your big girl! My goodness, she is going to be tall like her mama! Isn't it heartwarming and poignant to watch them grow up? Clearly, you are doing a fantastic job at parenting. :-)

  6. Oh happy birthday sweetheart! It kinda breaks my heart that she is growing up and I'm not down the street anymore. We need a trip to visit (or you should come to Wisconsin!) Much love to all of you!

  7. Clearly I've never met her, but she seems like a truly wonderful girl. Happy birthday to G!! I hope she like the uke! Matt plays one a bit and quite, quite prefers it to the guitar.

  8. My she's grown since I first started reading your blog! She looks thrilled with her ukelele!!

  9. A very Happy Birthday to Genevieve! (I like her frosting style.)

  10. I so get the feeling in this. She's beautiful!

  11. Belated wishes for your sweet daughter. I so remember that feeling after the first baby was born, too. I don't think we will ever forget things like those. The ukelele is a great instrument - portable, easy to learn, cheerful sounding, good in a group or alone! My son-in-law plays one and, believe me, it can sound very professional in the right hands.


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