Saturday, August 13, 2016

What My Big Kids Did This Summer

They each got their own library card and became responsible for their own accounts. Such excellent training in due dates, fines, and talking to adults to get information about their accounts and check out books.  When you forget your library card, you can't check out the movie!  When you return an empty movie case to the library, you have to remember to get the movie out of the player at home and bring it back!  

I looked for these kinds of learning opportunities with money, too.  Both Genevieve and Ben looked after pets and plants for various neighbors on vacation for some cash.  I could see them deciding to commit to something and learning to stick with it after the charm of someone else's house wore off. 


Every day except Sunday, Genevieve and Ben have chores.  In the morning, I write up a chore list and it lays around until every item is crossed off.  I want them to do their chores in the morning and definitely before any fun activities (this is a great motivator if something fun is scheduled for the day!).  On Fridays, they dust and vacuum the downstairs and steps.  On Saturdays, they clean the bathroom.  Every day they need to practice piano and when there is a basket of clean laundry in their room, they need to fold and put away their laundry.  Monday through Thursday, I assign chores based on what work needs to be done around the house.  This could be various cleaning jobs not covered by Friday and Saturday's house cleaning, or outside jobs such as sweeping sidewalks and mowing grass.  Phoebe's care is not part of the chore list, by the way.

 New this summer, they also take turns washing the supper dishes.  Now they understand firsthand why I always made them clean their plates - the food scraps must go in their mouths or the compost buckets because they are not welcome in the dishwashing sink!  My husband and I have been training them to see the smears and bits of food on poorly washed dishes.  I had to work with Ben to hold his hands and the dishes down in the basin - he tended to hold the dishes in front of his chest with rivers of dishwater on his arms and the cabinets.  They had to learn how to stack the dishdrainer so the dishes could drain.

They also went to camps this summer.  Ben loves overnight camp at a Church of the Brethren camp with family history.  Genevieve tried overnight camp last summer and prefers day camps.  She did a survival camp in our local park, as well as a book-making camp at a local museum.  They loved these opportunities for meeting new people, learning new skills and jokes, and getting out of chores for a week!

This post has been invaluable reflection for me as a parent, to realize how Genevieve and Ben have matured and how much I have enjoyed watching them develop.  I'm so proud of them!  


  1. You are doing a great job with your kids. No wonder you're proud of them!

  2. Great to see kids helping around the house. My daughter the oldest did not like to help and passed long time sitting and reading. Son, the youngest loved, cooking and helping whenever I asked (well...most of the time.) You got good photos there.

  3. Sounds like a good summer! I'm a firm believer in equal parts fun and work for everyone!

  4. They have gotten so big! I was just looking at your White Sauce Chicken recipe that I have pinned and Ben was tiny and wearing a bib!

  5. My daughter always had chores to do as well. For several years I worked on the weekends and she would get the laundry started on Saturday morning. Dusting and sweeping and bathrooms were frequently on the list! I'd like to think that it was good training for her future life, but her house is pretty messy now that she is an adult. Oh well, she knows how to clean it up...

  6. The proof of the wisdom of your ways is their happy, happy faces! What a beautiful family you have!

  7. :) I love seeing kids work, too. It is unavoidable in any event so may as well get in the habit and become and expert early, I say. Kudos to you all. And my, they have grown!

    Have you heard that ol' saying, "Work makes life sweet." ? It seems like the sort of adage you'd appreciate.

  8. This is an inspiration. I'm a terrible overseer of chores. But making a small list for each child seems doable.

    I have enjoyed watching your kids grow over the years!


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