Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I Made a Pair of Socks

I am deeply pleased and proud that I persevered with knitting socks.  I got the idea years ago, got nice green yarn and double-pointed needles, a good tutorial, and sank beneath the waves of confusion and tiny stitches that never seemed to make the sock bigger.

I got myself a live mentor (thanks, Christy!  hasta la vista, youtube) and started over with a new pattern for Ben.  His favorite color is green and his feet were cold back in January when I started up the socks for him.  He does really like the socks, but now that the weather is warming, I just hope the extra inch will be enough to keep him in these socks next winter.  If not, they will go into the box of special clothes to wait for Phoebe.

Now I want to get sock yarn for Genevieve.  My vision for knitting has enlarged enough for socks for my family, possibly a baby sweater, but nothing bigger than that.  Knitting is still too slow and I have too few minutes of sit-down-and-knit to satisfy my desire for results.


  1. I am so impressed. They're beautiful!

  2. Great job! I have yet to knit socks, but my husband has made his request for hand knit socks multiple times now. : ) I just finished a baby sweater that was very quick and easy to knit. You use size 9 needles, so it can be easily completed in a couple days. Here is a link to the sweater I made, and there is also a link to the pattern there:

  3. Sarah, thanks for the link! Perhaps a baby sweater isn't out of the question. . .

  4. This is great! I also want to learn to knit socks, but haven't actually motivated myself in that direction. I've knitted a chicken, but not socks. Hmm.

    When Annie was little I knitted a sweater for her. It was so simple--four rectangles. I think it was from Debbie Bliss. It was a lavender color and very quick to make. You just knit them, join the front and back rectangles (a sort of boat neckline) and then attach the sleeves (also a rectangle). Fun and easy.

    I haven't been knitting much over the past few years as sewing has taken more of my time, but it's such a soothing activity, especially in winter! I need to get motivated/inspired to knit again! Maybe if I start the socks in August I will finish by Christmas...?!!

  5. I have knit exactly one pair of socks and they were a complete bust. Back that was back in my early knitting days - these days, I've completely embraced knitting small tight stitches with itty bitty needles, so I think I'm willing to try again.

    Elizabeth Zimmerman has some very cute and fairly easy baby sweater patterns. Baby sweaters are quite easy - and they always make me think a big person sweater could be easier than they turn out to be.

  6. I've knitted dozens of pairs of sock and always have a pair (yes, two at a time) going on my magic loop needles. I love knitting socks firstly because they are so practical and secondly because they are so portable. I take them everywhere. . . dentist's office waiting room, doctor's office, eye doctor, etc. I strive to accomplish just an inch a day and they seem to fly off the needles (most of the time!).
    Just a tip, I turn mine inside out to machine wash, if they are superwash wool, then air dry to help them last longer.
    Best wishes in your knitting days ahead!

  7. I have never made any socks! Ii am impressed ! They look great!

  8. I knit a lot (relatively) and really enjoy it. But even still, I mostly stick to hats. I have found storebought socks last longer (usually) and other things get grown out of quickly. But home knit hats generally surpass purchaseable ones in warmth and beauty and comfort and don't get worn out before getting handed down and don't take forever and a day to create in the first place. I highly recommend winter hats!

    The biggest mental hurdle for me with socks is that when you feel like you're DONE, you're actually only halfway there! Sweaters seem easier because of that. But I could never take on a baby sweater (for one of my own babies.) They would always outgrow it before I finished it. But you seem a lot better at getting many things done promptly than I was with a baby, so I'm sure you could pull it off!

  9. @ Katie:

    When knitting socks I always knit yarn that contains nylon with the superwash wool. Wool by itself is not that strong to wear as socks. The added nylon gives it much more durability. I've been wearing my hand knit socks for years and have never even gotten a hole in any of them. I also make sure to knit at a tight gauge, this too will add to the strength of the sock.

  10. Talking of knitting makes me want to take it up again. I have an afghan started 20 years ago (you read that right). I had several strips done and the next one I could not seem to get the tension the same and ripped it out three times. Then my carpal tunnel problems began and I gave up. That's part of the reason I turned to sewing - it doesn't make my hands numb!

    Ben's socks look warm and comfortable - and he looks VERY happy with them! A simple baby sweater, as others have said, goes quite quickly. I think you'd enjoy it.

  11. I am very proud of you! Knitting socks can be a lot of fun. :)


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