Saturday, January 2, 2016

Little Felt Boots and a Hood

I have nothing deep to say about Christmas or the new year.  I might, in time, but for now, I've still got a backlog of projects that I want to blog about for the record.  Hooray for the end of the holidays and a return to normal!

I wanted to keep Phoebe warm when I carried her in the Ergo on the walk to school.  She swivels her head back and forth in true baby curiosity, so the attached hood on her coat was getting in the way.  I made her this winter baby bonnet out of a felted fuschia cashmere sweater.  It was so simple because I didn't line it, and I think it's totally adorable.  I had intended to do a blanket stitch around the edges, but Phoebe has worn it so much that I haven't bothered.

Then her little tootsies needed to be kept warm outside and, sometimes (rarely this winter), inside on the cold floor.

I used this tutorial to make felt boots out of the same sweater, but oh my, I made some funny mistakes on the way.  I was in a hurry, so I didn't read closely enough and I sewed the curved toe to the top of the instep.  Fortunately, I had taken an uncharacteristic step of making trial runs ("muslins") in scrap fabric.

So yes, these had to be thrown away and then I figured out my mistake.

I also made an entire pair of boots using leopard-print polar fleece (see second photo above).  They do work, although the lesson I learned from making those was to take precise measurements instead of sizing up to account for growth as I usually do for children's clothing.

And now Phoebe is snug, with nothing hampering her mobility.

 Both projects were quite fast (not accounting for my mistakes with the boots) and used very little fabric.  If the winter were colder, I'd probably make some more.


  1. Absolutely adorable and such a good idea! I like how the red boots reach her little knees, very practical xxx Leah

  2. I love how you dress Phoebe . I love how you make clothes for her . It is such a good thing to see some people still make clothes and accessories for their children.

  3. So adorable and so useful! Those awesome boots- staying on is a very important feature. And the old high chair! I use one of similar vintage, yours is great!

  4. So sweet, yet so practical! Phoebe looks like a happy baby. She is growing fast!

    And a big YES to getting back to normal :)

  5. What sweet projects, Phoebe looks toasty warm. I showed my boys the pictures and when Eli saw the last one of her in the high chair he said "Uh oh, baby made mess of crumbs." Haha.

  6. The bonnet and boots are cute and I like the re-purposing. I wonder if I could make some nice bed socks for myself that way?

  7. It has been so mild here, thus far at least. I hardly needed bundling for my walk to work this morning. Cute--and useful--work here. Of course, that baby would look cute in anything. You've got be thinking that maybe a little "bonnet" is the sort of thing I need to make for myself. I've lost my winter hat and this looks like it would keep my neck snuggly, as well as my ears. Of course, I won't be able to pull it of with such cuteness, but I really am a function over form type. ;)

  8. Sara McD, I really think you could. You make a paper pattern using a particular person's foot measurements - I have already thought of making slippers for my big kids with this pattern.

  9. Those are so CUTE! I may make some for my grandchild next winter...

  10. Oh good grief,she is the cutest thing ever. That bonnet and the boots make her look like an enchanted woodland baby. I love it!!

  11. Oh good grief,she is the cutest thing ever. That bonnet and the boots make her look like an enchanted woodland baby. I love it!!

  12. I love it! What a cutie :-)

    I may have to try these booties. E is walking (mostly) but the hardwood floors are so slippery. The non-skid socks and slippers we have never stay on her feet. Perhaps something like this that comes up to her knees and has a non-skid surface on the bottom would work. I will have to investigate!

    It hasn't been cold here until this week an then wow is it really cold suddenly! We're all bundled up in layers and layers, especially for playing on the floor.

  13. What a darling Phoebe is! She is so roly-poly.
    I love this kind of quick and satisfying craft. The hat could not show off those chubby cheeks better!!

  14. I'm so glad I have a baby girl because otherwise I would be hurtin' for one! Phoebe is so cute, especially love the 3rd picture down.

    And the boots- great job!


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