Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Unbelievable Sandwich

It's hard to believe that dill pickles and peanut butter taste so good together.  Yes, I am not kidding.  My friend Naomi came over to grind some peanut butter on our machine and exclaimed that it would make a delicious peanut butter and pickle sandwich.  What? What?  She patiently explained to me that it's delicious and the best pickles to use are dill.  I knew I had to try it once - it's weird and I am always intrigued by unusual food.

I couldn't believe how delicious the combination is!  I'm not sure I can explain it either - it's almost meaty, but rich, too, and then the zip of vinegar.  Have you eaten this sandwich before?

My family's reactions were mixed:

Husband: I can improve this.  I think it needs more of an Indian pickle, to take it in a groundnut stew direction.  Yes, I think those are the flavors that it should be going for.
Genevieve:  No thanks, I won't taste that weird combination.
Ben:  Yum!  I want more!
Phoebe:  FOOD.  More FOOD.

I know there are other weird sandwich fillings out there - I seem to recall mention of banana and mayonnaise. . . ?  Maybe?  Or peanut butter and bologna . . . ?  What are they?  All these years I have dismissed strange fillings as not worth remembering, only to find out that peanut butter and dill pickles are delicious together.  What other odd couples am I missing?


  1. A friend of mine loves tomato and peanut butter sandwiches, but I find them flavorless. I have not tried this combo. You'd think it'd be a classic for pregnant women, what with the peanut butter and pickle cravings we're supposed to experience...

  2. That just seems so odd. I've never heard of that one!

    I knew someone who liked peanut butter and onion sandwiches.

  3. I've read of this combination in lots of Amish stories, but have never tried it. One of our sons likes to put chips (potato or tortilla) on his sandwiches, I think he likes the salty crunch. I'm fairly traditional in my sandwich fillings. I get more creative with salad combinations.

  4. Your Uncle loves mayo/banana sandwiches. He has also begun adding slices of raw Apple to his ham or turkey sandwiches.

  5. I've been eating this one since I was a child! It really is good! My dad has a new one: peanut butter, jam, and turkey slices. The combinations are endless... :-)

  6. Peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches were always my son's favorite packed lunch. I like a PBLT. Crunchy peanut butter mixed with smoked paprika, lettuce and tomato. So much easier than frying bacon. If peanut butter and pickle is good, I wonder how pb and sauerkraut would be? Here's a frugal tip for packed sandwiches, put the heel of the bread on the inside of the sandwich. Picky kids don't notice the dreaded heel and the sandwich doesn't get soggy.

  7. That sounds horrible, Margo. But I may try it someday. Apparently Elvis like peanut butter and banana.

    I think Phoebe must be related to my cat, Henry. (FOOD. more FOOD.)

  8. I love peanut butter and pickle sandwiches! They are a favorite of my Moms and we all grew up eating them. I did not realize that they were odd until I was a little older.

    Another sandwich we used to eat that is an odd combination is leftover spaghetti and apple butter. I think this one may rely on cheap tomato sauce, though, as it's not very good with my yummy homemade sauce. Or possibly one of those things that is lost to childhood.

  9. Hi, Margot! I read your blog frequently, but I can't be sure if I've commented before. Anyhow - as I kid I really loved peanut butter and shredded cheddar cheese sandwiches. I think if I ate one today the combination might be too rich! Maybe some pickle in there would balance things out?

  10. Peanut butter and dill pickle is new to me!

    Is peanut butter and banana odd or common? How about peanut butter and molasses? I love the first, and my brother-in-law the second. And after Christmas, if there is leftover stuffing, my favourite thing is a turkey-stuffing-cranberry-mayo sandwich.

    I have the feeling these are not considered adventurous but they're as wild and crazy as I ever get. I think we are at opposite ends of the scale, Margo! ha ha

  11. Intriguing- I'm going to have to try it! And I can see what your husband means about the spicing, so I'll have to try both.

    I like peanut butter and grated carrot (it stops the peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth!) but every time I took it to work somebody asked if I was pregnant...

    I also like Peanut butter and Marmite, but not sure that you have Marmite in the States? (And it does have to be Marmite and not the Antipodean Veggiemite ;-) )

    I put raw apple slices in cheddar cheese sandwiches, but with some sliced pickled onion that's just a portable ploughman's lunch. (Do you have those?? Standard 1970's/1980's pub lunch- it always has cheese, pickle (chutney) and bread, plus any or all of apple, salad, celery, tomatoes, pickled onions, pork pie, pate, ham...)

  12. Hazel, I think I could get my hands on Marmite - I've had it before and I do like it.

    The ploughman's lunch is something British that I have always wanted. Do you have a recipe to recommend for the pickled onions?

  13. At first I thought this would be gross, but then after remembering how much I recently enjoyed a can of dill pickle flavored peanuts I bought, I rethought that - I think I might just have some issues with the texture. Maybe.
    I like fermented ginger carrots or kimchi with peanut butter on toast. My daughter absolutely loves my apple pie jam on a cheese sandwich (it is most excellent in a grilled cheese!).

  14. I am giving that one a try. It sounds delicious.

    Peanut butter, mayo and banana is a Southern favorite but I don't care for it myself.

    I loved peanut butter, tomato and ham when I was a kid but maybe I ate too many of them and the goodness wore off since I do not like it now.

    A new one that I heard of lately is peanut butter and sharp cheddar. I have not tried it yet.

  15. I eat crackers with peanut butter, a piece of cheddar cheese and a bread and butter pickle. I have never tried it on a sandwich, just crackers!

  16. Wait, are you pregnant!? Because this was the exact sandwich my mother ate throughout pregnancy. I've never tried it...but maybe I will now.

    I love banana, pb or ab, and honey.

    My grandmother always went for peanut butter and mayonnaise. Ahh! No thanks!

  17. I can only barely tolerate the idea of this sandwich if I think about it the way your husband does. And even then...
    My husband loves peanut butter and provolone. :(

  18. Agreed. It is a delicious combination. I've eaten many of them.

  19. Oh how funny!
    I love peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches. I started eating them when I was a child back in the 50s. Peanut butter, dill pickles, and tuna or salami is also good. So is peanut butter and green olives. My parents served us these sandwiches after church, to tide us over to the 'real' meal. They were born in the 1920s, so the dill pickle/peanut butter combo has been going on for a long time.


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