Thursday, September 24, 2015

Nancy Drew's Little Sister

That is her only wish right now:  to be Nancy Drew's little sister.  Never mind that Nancy is a fictional character and likes being an only child.  Genevieve knows that little sisters are wonderful and she wants to live in Nancy Drew's world.

I got major mom points by finding a length of Nancy Drew fabric online and sewing two panels onto tee-shirts for my girl.

What I really wanted to do was make a tee shirt that said "Nancy Drew a picture" with a magnifying glass underneath but my brain sort of stopped at the options for lettering and I didn't push on.

And we are both pleased with how the tee shirts turned out.

There are still some panels of N.D. fabric left; maybe I will make a tote that Genevieve can't physically grow out of. Because I know that she will grow out of this Nancy Drew enthrallment, but oh it is charming while it lasts.  Genevieve is going to start wearing penny loafers as soon as her (secondhand on eBay) pair comes in the mail.


  1. My own fascination with Nancy Drew didn't last particularly long, but my Nancy Drew cookbook, the first one I was ever given, is still in use, so I can attest to the gift of Nancy Drew things you can't outgrow. Can't wait to see the tote!

  2. a Nancy Drew cookbook?! I'm all over it! Thanks.

  3. How adorable is your daughter?! And you get major mom points for those shirts!

  4. Love the shirts - a black one and a white one! Great idea. Genevieve may be Nancy Drew's sister, but she looks more and more like Joni Mitchell to me. :)

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  8. Blast - I triple-commented there! 8-)

  9. These are great! I used to have a cat named Shadow Ranch ...

  10. So sweet!! Love the picture of both girls :)

  11. Good choices in shirt colours to coordinate with the panels! Your girl looks so happy - and getting so much older looking, too! Love the idea of a tote. And when she outgrows the shirts, maybe a second tote or even two?


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