Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Back Yard, December 9, 10:47 am

*Genevieve's new tree house ladder boards on the maple tree which she begged to do on Sunday afternoon, while her father and I waved her sleepily away with vague permission, quite sure she couldn't manage; imagine our (proud) surprise when we looked out finally on Monday morning!
*I think that's a house the children were assembling with an overturned wooden chair, wooden table, and assorted seltzer bottles from the recycling bin
*a pink plastic chair I pulled from the neighbor's trash a few weeks ago; my husband is horrified; I told the kids it was supposed to stay in the clubhouse - we have the only small children on this block and we try to keep not to be the eyesore next to the prim yards around us
*one of my retractable clotheslines - the white disc opposite the board ladder on the maple tree
*the Radio Flyer full of mud and a snow shovel
*in front of the black compost bin which sits among the three raised beds
*bars on the law firm's windows - no one else has bars on their windows in our neighborhood
*pale green parsley in the bed to the left; I hope it keeps hanging on because it sure brightens up our winter soups.

*an immediate camera turn to my left is the clubhouse, with the rags Genevieve nailed up as curtains; I thought it would a nice beginner sewing project for her to sew curtains for the clubhouse, but she asked for rags instead.  I wonder what the judge and the state representative next door think. . . .

This post is due to Jennifer Jo's brilliant series - I hope she makes it A Regular Thing and invites us all to share links.  It's poignant and funny to see what's going on in one shot (I cheated here with two) of our lives.


  1. Where there are children with energy and imaginations, there will be some amount of disorder, wild colour, and beautiful chaos. Personally, I wouldn't have it any other way.

    I always wanted a playhouse, and always enjoyed being a homemaker - I think the two are linked in my case!

  2. I adore this idea. And the little tour of the backyard. What crafty kids! I also enjoyed a little visit over to Jennifer Jo's! So, thanks!

  3. Oh my goodness, kids are hilarious. I think our radio flyer was always full of mud, too! It finally bit the dust this fall. Our fairy gardens now look like fairy pig wallows.

    Now in cold weather I find "projects" in weird places inside -- like the "drum kit" made out of various recycling containers taped to a box. Actually multiples of these.


I enjoy the conversation in the comments - thank you for that. I will answer your questions here in the comments. Please note that I don't want the world wide web to know my family's surnames and location. Generic comments with links will be treated as spam and deleted.