Saturday, August 23, 2014

Canning Peaches

First I dunk them in boiling water, then in cold water, then I peel them with a pan in my lap.  Hooray for a kitchen job that requires sitting!  Being on my feet for long hours canning reminds me of my waitressing days, the total relief of sitting down and the inability to get up again.

These peaches were unbelievably delicious with pretty red cheeks to boot.  And organic!  I made a careful note of the farm where Rebecca got them, so I can find them again.

I think I've eaten enough peaches as is now and I'm ready for some peach salsa, grilled peaches, and a peach pie.


  1. Peach salsa is the best...but I've never made it. Yummmm

  2. All the peaches here are imported, so it's a bit hit and miss how tasty they are.

    It's all plums a the moment- plum jam, greengage jam, damson jam...I drove through Worcestershire yesterday, which is famous for it's fruit orchards. So many plums!

  3. Do you mind sharing where you got your peaches and how much they cost? I am a local and debating if it is worth the cost. Thanks!

  4. Peach season is over here in SC and somehow I just never got to it. I am going to be sad about that this winter. It is rare indeed to find organic ones. I saw a big discussion on Facebook about a month ago with locals searching for organic ones and none to be found.

    Funny story--a friend of mine said that when she was a child her grandmother gave her a task to do in the kitchen and she went and sat at the table. Her grandmother was indignant and told her that we do not sit down to cook! My friend said she always sits to cook now and no one can stop her! She is a hoot!

  5. I'm looking forward to a bumper crop of nectarines, no peeling. Several more weeks, but lots there...

  6. Peaches ARE pretty! (wish I could eat 'em) Peach pie sounds especially good. What can I say, I'm a pie person.

  7. Deb, I would be happy to share in a private email! Contact me at thriftathome (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. The peaches are beautiful.. My favorite fruit and favorite pie..Know you will enjoy them.

  9. Oooooh, a grilled peach! What a yummy sounding idea! I sure enjoyed grilled pineapple, and well, pretty much anything grilled.


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