Thursday, June 5, 2014

Strawberries and Brie

Finally, the strawberries are in market.  They're still expensive, but when you have waited all year for the first exquisite strawberries, it's a good treat to buy.

I riffed on an idea I saw on Pinterest, and served sliced strawberries with brie on toast for breakfast.  It was delicious, but I want to more fully copy the idea and use croissants next time.  Buttery richness with the incomparable brie and piquant strawberries on top. . . don't forget the black coffee!

What's your favorite way to have strawberries at breakfast?


  1. Ah ... mouthwatering!

    When I was a kid, we had strawberries on toast, too, but this is how we did it: Mash strawberries on a plate with sugar to taste; spread on toast, thickly. Eat quickly before toast gets too soggy to hold.

    Takes me back to childhood just thinking about it :)

  2. This looks amazing - must get some brie!

    My mother makes the most wonderful berry sauce when fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, whatever) are in season. Friends and I picked 50 (yes, you read that correctly - it's so easy to get carried away at pick your own!) pounds of strawberries the very first day the southern Maryland farm was open for picking, so I had quite a lot of strawberries. No one was complaining ;-)

    I made a batch of strawberry sauce and we had it on a dutch baby pancake, on toast, stirred into yogurt, whirled into a smoothie. Delicious and so fresh!

    Together, my friend Sara Jane and I made 3 batches of strawberry jam and one batch of strawberry-rhubarb jam.

    At home, in addition to the sauce, I made fresh strawberry lemonade, strawberry bread (from Simply in Season), strawberry shortcake, and froze 4 1/2 pounds of strawberries.

    This early in the season, the tyranny of the produce (one of your phrases that I use regularly) does not get to me yet ;-)

  3. I had it this morning - fresh ricotta and sliced strawberries on toast drizzled with honey!

  4. Melanie, what an excellent rundown of what to do with a big batch of strawberries! I kind of think I got "tyranny of the produce" from Sondra :)

    anon, I want to have that breakfast, too! Must acquire some ricotta and do that.

  5. Oh that sounds like a heavenly breakfast. I shall have to try it myself. The strawberries are forming up in our patch, but still green. We await them eagerly.

  6. Definitely on pancakes with real maple syrup and vanilla yogurt. Had that very thing with berries still wet from the rain last night. Soooo yummy!

  7. Yum. Love the strawberry post. I worked at a strawberry farm back in college. And I dreamed up our wedding favors - half cups of canned strawberry jam - while driving the tractor.

    These days my favorite is strawberry sauce to put in yogurt or ice cream. And sliced strawberries on top of German pancake with sweetened sour cream. Yum!

  8. Christy's comment reminded me of another delicious way to have strawberries. I had this while on a French exchange program in high school, in a Quebec home: On a dessert crepe (or even a regular pancake), place a dollop of vanilla ice cream, a large spoonful of crushed strawberries, and a glug of maple syrup. Whipped cream is optional. But it's better "with". Not overly nutritious, but a real treat.

  9. Gosh! All those things sound delicious, but when I look at my bowl of fresh strawberries and have to consider cutting them and adding other textures and flavors to them, I just can't bring myself to do so! And so we eat ... and eat, and eat and eat them. And we pick them every day, but have determined that they definitely taste different when picked on a sunny day than on a rainy day. My theory is the sun-warmed-ness wafts more flavor up the nostrils, making the taste more intense.


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