Monday, April 28, 2014

Just Some New Things

I have not meant to be so silent here on the blog!  I write posts in my head, but I run out of energy before I get to my computer.  

I've been sewing a fair amount recently, and here are the new things for sale.  The batch of clothespin bags is for the museum store.  On three of them, I did a lot of piecing.

I loved how the rick rack accented this vintage Laura Ashley fabric. A little graphic jab.

I put the monogram upside down so it would show up in the opening, but also because I thought it looked like a cool flower shape.  Now I'm not so sure.  I did mention my thinking on the hang tag, so hopefully the customers won't think I'm illiterate.

And these hotpads are in my etsy shop.  I really love looking at all these colors.  Might have to do some more patchwork with solids.  It's so classic and modern at the same time, undated the way printed fabric seems to be.
 I did most of the hand sewing on these on the bus ride for Ben's field trip.  How soothing to have a bit of handwork in a day of wildly excited kindergartners.


  1. I LOVE the upside-down monogram! It's visionary; not illiterate.

  2. I like the monogram-turned-flower as well. And the rick rack! And the buttons! You think like an artist, and that's a good thing.

  3. I'd never thought of solids as being timeless, but you are right. Prints are much more easily nailed into categories or decades. Of course, I love those wonderfully dated prints, too.

  4. Your hot pads remind me of the Gee's Bend quilts. If you're not familiar with them, look them up. They are fabulous.r

  5. They are darling. Are you going to make any of these for the etsy shop anytime soon? There may be a market somewhere south of you (hint, hint).

    Now I just need to convince my husband to install the clothesline!


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