Tuesday, February 25, 2014

We Wear Black and Navy

I avoided navy for years because I hated trying to match navies.  I was raised in The Mennonite Women Match Everything universe (motto:  match or die in the mall trying).  I have clear memories of my mother hunting specific blouses all over the mall to match specific flowers in a skirt she was lugging from her closet.

After years of playing with fabric, I do not match my colors like that, but I still kept navy and black separate in my wardrobe.  Then Carly introduced me to the idea of wearing black and navy together.

How does that strike you?  Would you (do you) wear black and navy together?

Me, I thought it didn't "match."  And then I had a long talk about color with Rebecca, and I realized that I do not generally wear neutrals together.  I like to mix colors - red and burgundy is one of my current favorites.

thanks to my husband for the photos

So I thought I would see if I could marry the black and navy in my wardrobe.  And I liked the resulting outfit.  It's not easy to tell from the photos, but the sweater is navy and white, the skirt and boots are black.

And Genevieve was skipping ahead of me on the way home from church and I did admire her vintage navy coat against her black tights. . .

I think I wear navy and black together now!


  1. The only time I wear black and navy together is when I wear my black boots with a navy skirt/coat/jumper/jacket. The black boots are the only black items in my wardrobe; but I have to say it does look good! Saying that black and navy don't go together is like saying blue and green should not be seen without a colour in between - nonsense!

  2. Oh I always wear black and navy together- if it looks good, it looks good. Fact!

  3. You know, I don't own a single piece of navy clothing?! I've had an aversion to it since wearing navy tights as a little girl...maybe I'll give it a try though - a jacket or printed blouse would ease me back in without too much commitment ; )

  4. Love all those great photos. Lovely mom and sweet girl.

  5. I don't really think about wearing navy and black together either. I will have to start! Yours looks great, as does Genevieve's, and those photos are WONDERFUL! The joy just flows out from them!

  6. I just love navy right now. I agree, wear it with black. Some rules are meant to be broken. Laughing about the shopping at the mall for the perfect match. I get so amazed when I see a sweater that matches someone's dress perfectly like you KNOW they took the dress along to the store to make the match. Ha ha.

  7. My coat is a good ol' long, vintage wool number in navy. My favorite hat and gloves are black which matched the coat I had before I inherited this gem. I always think of it as not matching, but I wear it any ways because I am nothing if not pragmatic and they are warm, comfy, sturdy, and functional. Other than that, no, I don't. I might have to reconsider my perspective on the matter.

  8. I love navy. Im wearing a light navy long sleeved shirt with a black short sleeved on top. Today. Lol. Yall look cute!:)
    ps. My grandma instilled matching into me.

  9. Looks good to me! I wear a lot of black and don't have much navy (reminds me too much of school) but I do wear my black boots with everything, practically even with my swim suit.

  10. You have a beautiful daughter, she looks adorable, would love to see her in one of our dresses :)

    Catherine Vargas
    Vintage Girls

  11. The photos of you and Genevie are so pretty..
    I have never worn navy and black together.. But now that i see yours together..looks great..will try it..
    Love that stripe sweater..so pretty.
    Also, Genevie's coat.. adorable.

  12. Black and navy together, yes! Somehow it makes me think of school uniforms, in the very best way. Like Madeleine. :)


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